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[real life,social media]

"This isn't my daughter"

real life

when her private plane landed in memphis, it didn't take long before ja's rolls-royce dawn rolled onto the tarmac to pick her up.

he got of his car, with his hoodie pulled over his head and his sunglasses on, with a grin split on his face. he then bent down to hug her, before putting her bags in the car.

she tried to contain her smile, as she seen her niece looking at her through the window with a huge smile plastered on her face.

she remembered when she first found out ja was having a baby. she was upset with him for being so reckless, but at the same time she was very happy that there would be a little baby around.

when kaari was born melody had the pleasure of being one of the attendants inside of the room. when she first held her she cried because she looked so much like her dad. even though she didn't always get along with kaari's mother she'd always respected her for giving birth to such a wonderful little girl.

she could see from the beginning that ja was happy to be a father. even if he and everyone else thought it was too soon, he was happy that he made something out of love. and from the moment he held his baby girl, he knew he would do everything in his power to make sure she was taken care of. and he knew that his best friend would too.

"you coming or should i leave yo ass here" ja said snapping melody out of her thoughts.

"boy you know fucking better" she said rolling her eyes.

getting inside the car she looked in the back seat and said, "hey titi baby"

"hey auntie" kaari said while looking at her ipad.

whispering she said, "why the fuck you got her hair looking like that?"

pulling out his phone ja said, "bruh lemme show you how it was looking when i tried to do it."

when she looked at the picture she burst out into laughter. she could not believe ja actually tried to do hair. it looked so horrible, she felt so bad for the poor baby.

"we'll i'll do her hair before we leave" she said nonchalantly.

"awwl see this why i love you" he said nudging her shoulders.

rolling her eyes she said, "yeah yeah yeah."

"can we get some mcdonald's" kaari said pointing at the window.

without saying a word ja pulled into mcdonald's, ordered everyone's order and paid.


once they got to ja's house melody hopped in the guest shower to start getting ready. when she got out the shower she did her make-up, her hair and put on a outfit. she wore light green sweatpants that matched with a cardigan, a white cropped tank top, some balenciaga's, a chanel bag and some pink glasses.

she then went to make sure ja put kaari on some clothes so she could do her hair. he put her on a pink nike sweatsuit and melody did her hair in a rubber band hairstlye.

then her, kaair, and ja left for the nail salon. melody made ja tag along because they didn't get to hang out as much since they didn't live close to each other, and she really loved hanging around her best friend.

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