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"Said he calling from Atlanta"

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"maybe i should just tell mariah that i can't come" melody said while packing kai's baby bag

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"maybe i should just tell mariah that i can't come" melody said while packing kai's baby bag.

"no, you're going and that's final" ja said laughing.

"but i'm just gonna miss my main man too much" melody said leaning down to kiss kai.

"awww i'm gonna miss you too" ja said kissing melody's neck.

"umm i was talking about my son" melody said laughing.

"but i'll miss you too" she said giving ja a kiss.

"oh i already knew that" ja said smacking melody's butt before walking away and grabbing the car keys.

"time to go to gigi house" melody said picking up kai.

when they pulled up melody's parents house melody started crying. every since she's had jakaari she'd never been away from him.

"so i just fed him and changed his diaper so he's good for the next fifty minutes. there's some breast milk that i just pumped in his bag make sure you put it in the freezer" melody said standing in the living room.

"i'm pretty sure i know what to do considering i have three kids" giovanna laughed.

"i know you're right. call me if anything's wrong and i'll be on the next flight back here" melody said checking the time.

"shit, i gotta go drop ja off and catch my flight. call me if he does anything cute, love y'all and thank you" melody said giving her mom a kiss then kai and her dad one.

"love you, have fun" her mom said before closing the door.



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