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[social media,real life]

"How could you"

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real life

today is february 20th and melody was currently in atlanta with ari and harmony. the three girls were having a play date with their kids since melody didn't have a child at the moment she brought kaari. but that wasn't the reason she brought her, ja had an away game and kadre had a lot of studying to do, so melody took the initiative and brought kaari to atlanta with her.

they took the kids to some type of jumping place ari found. the kids had the girls jumping, running around, climbing things, and even doing flips. before the girls decided that was enough and went to sit down and catch up with each other.

"so how have you been, we haven't heard from you since last month" ari asked melody while sipping on her hennesy.

"i've been great, thanks for asking. but my relationship not so much" melody said looking down at her hands.

"what you mean not so great last time i seen y'all together, it looked like y'all were in love" harmony spoke up.

"i mean ja has been very distant lately, like he comes home late at night and we haven't been fucking recently. first i was thinking that maybe it was all his training that his coach has him doing and that he's maybe just tired. but now it's becoming a everyday thing. and i'm only starting to notice it because i basically live with him" melody said letting a few tears drop before ari wiped them away.

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