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[real life,social media]

"When the times right"

real life

melody was woken up by kaari asking for some cereal, and she knew that the girl was only asking her because when she tried to ask her dad he didn't wake up. wondering how she knew? well ja is a very heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up until he feels like it.

so she made her and kaari some cereal, and put on sing. it was an enjoyable movie that they both could watch. and if we're being honest melody wanted to watch it so she could sing all the songs.

i know such a big child.


it was currently 2:30 in the afternoon and ja still wasn't woke, so melody decided to take kaari on a ice cream date to pass time. and kaari couldn't be more happier.

while they were out, melody would get asked if that was her daughter, told how pretty they both looked, she would run into fans who wanted pictures with both her and kaari. to which agreed to the pictures with her but not for kaari she knew that ja didn't want his daughter to have to experience that type of stuff.


they arrived back the house at 5:30, melody had kaari in her arms sleep. she seen that ja was now awake and inside the kitchen making him some left over dinner.

"where y'all been-" he said in a rather loud tone, before getting cut off by melody.

"if you wake her up, i will personally beat the black off your ass" she said in a harsh whisper.

ja raised his arms up in surrender and melody made her way upstairs to put kaari in her bed.

now back down stairs sitting on the sofa with ja, melody started speaking. "remind me to never take her on a ice cream date again and then go to the playground afterwards."

laughing ja said, "oh yeah, once she got sugar in her system it takes a while for it to die down. what she had you doing?"

tired from even thinking about it she said, "man she had me doing flips that i haven't done since high school. she had me running around the whole playground with her. she even made some knew friends and they made me play 'dance team' with them."

ja burst into laughter before spitting out, "glad i slept in."

"oh you think its funny" melody said sarcastically.

"yeah i think its hella funn-" he said before going silent due to melody eating his chicken.

ja then put the plate down and picked melody up and slammed her on the sofa lightly. she couldn't contain her laughter. then ja told her to stand up and fight him like a man. the two started play fighting, melody ending up on the floor every time.

lets just say melody was not winning, laughing hard played a factor into that.


when it was time to go to her parents house, melody put kaari in the tub while ja was in the shower. she then put her on a polo sweatsuit and some black and blue jordan ones. she did her hair up into a ponytail and kaari picked out a blue bow to match her outfit.

at such a young age she is already stylish.

then melody got in the shower, did her make up, and hair. she put on a simple outfit that consisted of a flannel, a white bralette, some designer ripped blue jeans, some white rick owens, a celine purse, and some glasses.

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