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[real life,social media]

"Don't fucking lie to me"

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melodyy has
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"why you so bad, huh" melody asked her two month old son

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"why you so bad, huh" melody asked her two month old son. all he did in return was smile and kick his little feet.

it had been two weeks since melody had gotten that disrespectful text from "ms.kimberly white" and she still meant what she said. when she see her it's on sight because no matter what you don't speak on nobody's child.

melody still hasn't told ja what happened. when she got those messages she decided to go to her apartment because if he was still cheating she wouldn't stick around.

"are you ready to go see your daddy" melody asked putting kai on a nike tracksuit.

she then picked him up and went to the car. she scrapped him into his car seat and got in the drivers seat.

when she pulled up to ja's house she called him and told him to come outside and get jakaari. and he did that.

when he tried to give melody a kiss she dodged it, "bruh what's going on with you" he asked confused.

"nothing i just don't want you to kiss me with lips you put on other women" melody said walking in front of him.

trailing behind her, he said "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"exactly what the fuck i said" melody said opening the house door.

"we need to talk cause you been acting weird and distant every since the game" he said closing the door.

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