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[real life,social media]

"Everybody just needs to mind their fucking business when it comes to me"

real life

so today was ja's first game of the night. and melody had just picked up kaari so they could go. melody's phone began to ring, she answered and put it on speaker since she was driving.

"hello" she said while switching into the other lane.

"baby, where are y'all" ja shouted over the music in the arena.

"i'm coming from picking kaari up. we're driving to the spectrum now, but you know it's a lot of traffic due to today's game" melody said chewing on her lips nervously.

the traffic was backed up for yards, it was even red on the gps. and it seemed impossible to get through at this point.

sighing heavily he said, "you were supposed to be here already."

"i know babe i'm sorry, and i'm really trying to get us there. but you know you'll be fine. we'll be sitting court side before tip-off i promise."

there was a moment of silence on the other end before he let out a breath, "okay, i'll see y'all when y'all get here."

"i love you" melody said running her hand through her hair.

"i love you too" he said before hanging up.

it took them twenty minutes to get to the arena, but she managed to make it to the spectrum just in time. she pulled into the parking garage, and flashed her credential's to the security, who showed her where to park.

melody got out the car and went to the back seat to get kaari out of her car seat. then she walked into the arena, taking the first left and walking along side to get into the court side, where ja's camo had reserved their seats.

just as melody was about to sit down, she heard her name being shouted by a very distant voice. when she looked around, she seen ja jogging over towards her. his dreads were in a back ponytail, and there was already sweat around his face from shoot arounds.

he had such a big grin on his face as he picked up karri in one arm and hugged me with the other.

"i told you i'd make it big head" she said looking up at him.

"i should've known not to doubt you" he said kissing kaari's cheek.

"how do you feel, are you warmed up enough" melody said with a concerned face.

laughing he said, "you do this every time, and every time i'm straight. i'm just happy you and kaari made it before the game started."

she nodded her head, folding her arms before looking around the arena.

she'd been to a packed game before, but it was always a magical experience for her, walking into the arena and seeing the fans filing the center from top to bottom always managed to put a smile on her face.

"did you hear me" ja said snapping his fingers in melody's face.

"i'm sorry, what did you say" she said shaking her head to get her mind back clear.

"i said i gotta go, i'll see you later" he said laughing.

"okay" melody said taking kaari out of his arms. "tell your daddy bye and give him a kiss" melody told kaari and she did just that.

Stolen Heart || Ja MorantWhere stories live. Discover now