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[real life]

"So where does this leave us"

play this song if you want it doesn't really hurt the story if you don't. but i recommend playing it!!!

real life

the next morning melody had woke up without a clue where she was. when she looked around the room she was shocked to see that she was in ja's room. it didn't even occur to her that she didn't have any clothes on until she looked in the mirror that was facing the bed.

she jumped out of the bed and put on one of ja's big tee shirt and ran out of the room. "TEMETRIUS JAMEL MORANT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT" melody yelled.

"bruh stop yelling i already got a fucking headache" ja said closing the refrigerator.

"just answer this one question for me, did we have sex" she said nervously walking into the kitchen.

"yes we did, do you regret it" he asked lifting up her chin.

"no do you" melody asked searching for the answer in his eyes. ja shook his head no.


they decided to talk about everything over a cup of coffee and breakfast. so melody go dressed in some clothes she left over his house and they went to waffle house.

once they got their food ja decided to speak up, "melody let me just start off by saying, you are the most kindhearted, loving person i know. you're beautiful inside and definitely out. you touch every life you encounter. i admire you and everything you do."

he searched in her eyes for a reaction but didn't find anything, "i don't know when i started to feel this type of way, but all i know is that i love you and not just in a friendship type of way like i'm in love with you and everything that is you" he said grabbing her hands.

looking into his eyes melody said, "ja you are the perfect example of what a man should be. you've always protected me, looked out for me, made sure i was straight even when you wasn't. there's been many times where i've pushed you out but you always came back."

she squeezed his hand before saying, "i don't know when i started to feel like this either, but all i want to do is be around you, under you and wrapped around the euphoria that is you. i think i've always been in love with you it just took me a while to accept it."

"so where does this leave us" melody asked ja.

"i mean we both just expressed that we're in love with each other, so they only reasonable answer would be for us to start dating. only if you want to" he said looking at her flawless face.

"if we do this we have to keep it private and only family and close friends can know" she said smiling.

"i really wanna kiss you right now but its people in here" he whispered looking at her lips.

laughing melody said "well lets take the food home and you can show me just how much you wanna kiss me."


they kept their secret to themselves for two months, the only people who knew was kaari and mikey, because ja wanted to know how she felt about the matter. to which she loved. and mikey because melody wanted to end their whole 'friends with benefits' thing. to melody's surprise mikey was happy because he had started talking to this girl he really like and was about to end things with melody.

they then told their parents but to their surprise they didn't seemed fazed. they all said the same thing "it was a matter of time." then melody told her friends who were all happy that their girl was happy and that their wishes came true. they way ja's friends found out had to be their favorite.

one day while they were at home alone they decided to fool around a little. at the end of it melody decided to take a bath and ja went outside to play basketball. what melody didn't know was that ja's friends had came over so melody came outside with only a towel on saying, "babe, can you run to the victoria's secret and get me some more sugar scrub."

ja immediately ran over to cover her up, "baby we got company."

laughing dtap said, "so this why you been so happy lately."

"my boy finally been getting some pussy" dnell said laughing.

"okay its time for y'all to go, baby i'll bring you some back" he said leading her into his room.

before they left rod said, "i'm happy for you man, melody is a keeper don't fuck this up."

"yeah, i'm happy for you man" dtap said patting ja's back.

"i still can't believe you kept this away from us for two whole months" dnell said dapping ja up.

there was plenty of times where the couple almost got caught by the paparazzi, but they were lucky. both of their publicist advised them that any time they would go out they should not do anything to get caught or go out in secret. meaning wearing sunglasses and preferably all black.

they were determined to keep their relationship away from the public until the right time. they even had to send a message to everyone who was at the party not to post the video of melody twerking on ja. everyone agreed because they also valued their privacy. it wasn't a problem with the workers because melody had them to sign a NDA beforehand.


melody decided on an apartment that was only fifteen minutes away from ja's house. that whole month that they kept everything private they were decorating melody's new apartment. and enjoying each other like going on private dates, doing cooking battles, and binge watching tv show's together. melody even got him to watch 'the notebook' and 'the titanic' to which ja literally cried.

melody would have to leave sometimes due to work and promoting her new album. speaking of her new album she played it for ja and he loved it. especially 'living room floor'. all i'm going to say is they made love literally on the living room floor.

💌: ja and melody are finally to

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