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[real life,social media]

"It's okay just come lay on me"

real life

(time skip Oct 15)

melody had been up since 6:30 in the morning packing her bag, ja's bag, and kaari's bag. then she went on to make breakfast before they had to get on the plane so they would have a full stomach. since it would be a two hour flight which isn't bad but still.

they were currently at melody's house and was about to go to orlando, flordia. they had been planning this trip for the past two weeks since basketball season was about to start. meaning ja would be busy with training and games. so they decided to plan a fun little two day trip.

"its time to get up baby" melody said as she picked kaari up.

then she brushed kaari's teeth and face. put her hair up in a ponytail and put her on some comfortable clothes and shoes. she put herself on some waydamin sweatsuit, she decided not to wear makeup and only put on lip gloss and she wore a pair of crocs.

"why my daddy not wake up" kaari asked before eating her french toast.

"i don't know baby, wanna go wake him up" she asked drinking her coffee.

kaari shook her head and melody took her out of her seat. they walked in the bedroom hand in hand.

"ja its time to get up" melody said shaking him.

he didn't even budge, "boy get yo ass up, i'm not gone ask you again" she yelled making kaari laugh.

in one swift motion he managed to melody under him and wrapped his arm around her waist, causing her to giggle. "i heard you the first time" he said in a deep husky voice.

"then get up" she said trying to get from under him only making his grip tighter.

"why you tryna get from under me, gimme a kiss" he said now with his elbows propped up with either on one side of her head.

"no cause i know where one kiss gone lead to, and that can't happen because kaari is in the room" she said laughing.

"oh shit" he said before picking kaari up.

"hey daddy's favorite girl" he said with her in the air and him laying on his back.

"daddy its time to get up and see minnie mouse" she said laughing.

"alright since kaari asked, imma get up" he said sitting her on the bed next to melody and going inside the bathroom.

"come on kaari let's let daddy get dressed" she said picking her up and then putting her down.

"i love it when you call me daddy" he yelled from the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth.

"go fuck yourself" she retorted but covering kaari's ears when she said 'fuck'.


once everyone was ready the drove to the airport and got on melody's private plane. they would've gotten on a regular plane but they didn't want to risk any pictures of them getting taken or posted. so they went with the safest route.

when they got on the plane kaari sat in the seat next to melody and ja sat in the set in front of melody. kaari had her headphones in and was watching something on her tablet. ja was playing cod on his phone and melody was strolling on tiktok.

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