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"are you fucking serious"

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"yeah he's sleep" melody told ja. they were on facetime since ja had to warm up for tonight's game.

"damn i wanted to talk to him" ja said rolling his eyes.

"i'll make sure to call you when he's woke. are you ready for tonight" melody said smiling.

"yeah, pretty nervous but you know it's always like that" ja shrugged.

"well you know i'm proud of you either way, but imma let you do what you do. while i go run some errands" melody said.

"love you forever" ja smiled.

"and after love you" melody said before hanging up. then proceeded to grab her purse and kai and headed out the house.

melody put kai in the backseat of the car and then got in herself, and started driving. she played some slow music on low so she wouldn't wake up her son.

first they went to target to get some towels, rags, blankets, cleaning supplies, dishes, silverware, pots pans, and some more essentials for their new house.

the realtor said they would be able to move in come december. so melody wanted to go get some things just to be prepared.

then she went to walmart to get some food for her and ja's separate houses, since they was running low on food. she also got some more stuff for kai.

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