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[real life,social media]

"Not at the moment, but I'm looking"

real life

melody was currently in her hotel room in new york, getting her hair done by tae who had graciously flew out there for her. also going over different looks her stylist wanted her to wear to the interview.

they decided on a blazer with paint splattered, with a cropped blouse, and some khaki pants. they also decided on some white heels, a brown belt, a black tie, with a black choker, some shades, and a gallery dept. bag.

"how was it being at home and with ja at that" tae asked while focusing on her hair.

"i don't know what you mean by 'with ja at that' but it was great. i really missed being at home" she said strolling on instagram.

"that's good, did anything happen between the two of you at the airport that you wanna tell me about?"

"umm no, tae what the hell are you rambling about" melody asked irritated now.

"well there's a picture-" he said before getting cut off.

"a what!" she said loudly. "show it to me i wanna see."

tae pulled out his phone and reluctantly showed her the picture.

it was a picture of melody and ja hugging at the airport.

"they really about to piss me the fuck off. like it was literally a goodbye hug since i wouldn't be seeing them for a while."

tae sighed and said, "you can't really be mad at the media for wanting y'all to get together, y'all are literally cute together. y'all was back then and y'all are now."

annoyed she replied, "its not that they want us together, its the fact that they wont mind their goddamn business. like he literally had his daughter with him, they need to learn some boundaries. cause i'll be dead ass wrong if i sue they ass for taking a picture of me without permission."

"please don't" tae said while laughing at her antics.


melody sat patiently inside of the left wing, waiting for jimmy fallon to announce her onstage.

"ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for melody armani" jimmy announced then she finally walked out waving at everyone.

they gave each other a hug, then sat at the seat arranged for melody that was adjacent to his desk.

"melody how have you been" he said smiling.

"i've been amazing thanks for asking, how about you" she said moving her hands out for him to talk.

"great, trying to keep up with your fashion trends" he said showing his clothes.

laughing she said, "jimmy we both know i get my sense of fashion from you."

"i mean what can i say, i am a fashion icon" he said sarcastically.

they both looked at each other and started laughing.

"tonight, we have with us melody armani, who is in new york to promote her newest album. its called sailing souls and it will be playing on all platforms on november the second. now, do you wanna tell us about this upcoming album."

"this one goes out to all my girls who love the idea of love and is ready for everything that comes with it. when i first announced the name of my album many people thought i was actually trying to say selling souls. i mean their is no interior motive behind it other than selling my soul to my soul mate" she stated trying to make a joke out of the situation.

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