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[real life,social media]

"Here comes the bride"

"you look like a real life princess" tae smiled in front of melody as he finished the last pieces of her hair.

nobody could actually believe that the day was finally here. after months and months of planning every detail meticulously, melody is officially about to get married to the love of her life.

the morning after she'd woken up in bed with harmony assuming ja put her there after their little get together in the library, melody couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

she didn't know why she was so nervous, a few hours ago she was just singing to ja now she couldn't help the anxiety that was creeping in. no she didn't want to cancel the whole thing, that idea never crept inside of her head. it was the fact that she would be marrying the man of her dreams in 35 minutes.

as she stood up and looked in the mirror, she could help but tear up. and her makeup artist just finished her makeup.

"ohhhh, my sweet, sweet girl. you looked so beautiful" her mom told her while bringing her into a hug.

coming out the hug melody heard agreeing noises from her friends and ja's mother. harmony of course is the maid of honor. the rest of the bridesmaids consist of india, ari, tae, and khloe. who all looked very elegant in their champagne dresses and tux.

melody looked around at her best friends and could tell only smile at how lucky she'd got. everyday she praises her past self for meeting such wonderful people and securing them as major pillars in her life. she loved them with every fiber in her body.

"alright, i think it's time,  we should leave you to it" india checked the time and informed the group.

melody nodded her head in understanding and gave everyone one last hug.

"i'm so glad you're officially gonna be my daughter even thought i couldn't look at you as anything less" jamie whispered into melody's neck making melody give her a kiss on the cheek in appreciation.

"this is your day babes, soak it all in, God knows you deserve it" ari told melody before walking out.

harmony quickly wiped a tear that was running down her cheek, "words will never express how fucking happy i am for you."

"i thank the universe everyday that i got to meet such a genuine person. before it was always just me and ari, but as i continued to get to know you i can't help  but thank the lord everyday. thanks for always letting me fix yo hair when lord knows it was always sitting on the top of yo head" tae words made melody giggle.

khloe shoots melody one of her famous reassuring smiles that lets her know what she needed to know without her even having to say anything. india smacks a light kiss onto melody's check and whispers, "you're gonna be sore as hell after tonight girl, so i put some ibuprofen in your bag."

melody's mom then brings over amorae and kai to give their mom a hug. seeing her kids made all of her worries go away. amorae was of course gonna be the flower girl and kai and kaari was gonna be the ring bearer.

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