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[real life,imessage]

"How do we move forward"

real life

its been twelve days since melody's release and birthday party. every since that eventful night melody has been feeling under the weather. she's been throwing up, picking arguments with ja for no reason, her mood swings have been off the chart.

after all this behavior melody decided to send her assistant to the store to get her a pregnancy test. she knew for a fact that she wasn't pregnant firstly because she was on birth control and secondly because they always use protection, but you can never be too sure. right?

when her assistant got back and gave her the pregnancy test, she immediately read the instructions and took it. she waited for seven long minutes that felt like seven hours.

"be honest with me do you think i'm pregnant" she asked her assistant aliyah.

"i mean there can always be a possibility but my question to you is, are you ready to have a baby? how will you and ja move forward with this new blessing in your life" aliyah asked her boss, but not as a worker as a friend.

"i mean yeah, i've always said i wanted kids in the near future but not at this moment. it wouldn't be the end of the world for me to have a baby. ja's baby at that. he already has a child and he's great with her" melody said playing with her fingers.

aliyah grabbed her hand and stroked them softly, "its gonna be okay love, i promise."

the timer went off and melody and aliyah stood up at the same time, "it looks like its time" melody said looking into the bathroom.

"are you ready for the results" aliyah asked rubbing melody's shoulders.

"i have no choice but to be" she said looking into aliyah's eyes.

as they walked towards the bathroom doors melody stopped, "what's wrong" aliyah asked.

"do you mind checking it for me?"

"you don't even have to ask me twice" aliyah said going inside the bathroom.

there was a moment of silence before aliyah came out the bathroom with the pregnancy test in hand. she handed it to melody and melody looked at the test and burst out into tears. aliyah have her a warm hug before melody said, "i'm pregnant."

melody began thinking of how she could've gotten pregnant when they always use protection and she's on birth control. but then she thinks back to the night of her birthday and realizes that they didn't use protection and she didn't take her birth control.

after a few minutes of crying and silence, aliyah said "are you gonna tell ja."

"i mean he's the father he has every right to know" she said still holding the test.

"well i'm gonna leave you to be alone right now since you have a lot to think about. text me if you need anything, and i mean anything. okay" aliyah said standing up.

"thank you for being here for me and everything else in between. i want you to know that you're just not my assistant i consider you my friend which means you're family" melody said standing up to give her a hug.

once she left melody decided to text ja.


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