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[social media,real life,imessage]

"That's your third plate"

real life

today was thanksgiving and melody was up making breakfast, since she was craving some chicken tenders and waffles. when she looked in the kitchen to make sure she had everything, she seen that he didn't have any food at all. so she decided to go to the grocery store.

"good morning" ja said to melody while wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek.

"mhm" she responded smiling sipping on her tea.

moving towards the coffee maker to fix him a cup, "what you making?"

"umm some homemade chicken tenders, waffles, and bacon" she said putting more batter into the waffle maker.

"i love me a girl who can cook" he said wrapping his arms around her once again.

"and i love me a man who can eat" she said laughing because he was now on his knees kissing her stomach.

just then kaari can running into the kitchen saying happy thanksgiving, making both ja and melody laugh- while ja picked kaari up and kissed her cheek.


"are you ready to eat" melody asked karri who was in her lap while melody was doing her lap.

kaari nodded her head in response, "what's your favorite thing to eat" melody asked.

"i like ham and mac 'n cheese and the green leafs"

laughing melody said, "me too pretty girl."

"y'all ready" ja said coming out the bathroom.

"yeah, are you" she laughed while looking at ja's shoes which were two different shoes. kaari was also laughing at his shoes.

"what y'all laughing at" he said seriously.

"daddy why do you have different shoes on" kaari said pointing at his shoes.

"i couldn't find the matching shoe for either of them so" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"oh my god ja they're in your closet" melody said giggling while also rolling her eyes.

"thank you" he said sarcastically.

after he put on his matching shoes they left to ja's parents house. her parents and his parents decided to do a joint dinner since both family's wanted the couple with them. his parents also invited kadre since she was the mother of his child and they put their differences aside.

"happy thanksgiving everyone" melody said walking through ja parents house.

"finally" melody's mom said while she was making potato salad.

"i'm sorry we're late but somebody couldn't find their shoes" she said looking at ja.

putting his arms up in surrender, "i'm my defense-" he said before melody cut him off.

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