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[real life,social media]

"I think I'm in love with my best friend"

real life

it was the day of ja's birthday and he was feeling sad since melody wasn't gonna be there. but he knew that she wouldn't want that. so he went to pick his daughter up to meet his parents for brunch.he then later on went to get a hair cut and re-twisted.

melody was very busy today, she was at the club all morning making sure the chefs were there and good. making sure all the workers were good and there. she had to go to the airport to pick up the dj that she hired. then she had to meet her realtor for some apartments down there.


at 5:25 dtap and ja were chilling in his living room. they were talking bout the party and how it was gone be lit as fuck.

"i still can't believe melody won't be here" ja said drinking his gatorade.

"man you know she would've if she could"

"yeah you right, but it sucks since we haven't really hung out since we kissed-" ja said before covering his mouth.

"y'all did what!? why the fuck you ain't tell me" dtap yelled with his eyes widen.

"i don't know maybe because we haven't talked about it with each other first" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"why" dtap asked confused on the matter

thinking on a logical explanation ja said, "man i don't know, like how do you bring up that type of conversation with your best friend."

"you right. so does this mean you have feeling for her or it was just a kiss?"

"man i've been having weird feeling about her lately" ja said going in the kitchen.

"what you mean weird feelings, like she tryna do some snake shit to you" dtap asked looking in the kitchen.

"nawl man, hell nawl. like every time i'm around her i wanna kiss and do other things. and no its not some type of lust thing, i think i'm in love with my best friend" ja said completely shocked at his own words.

"oh i been knew that" dtap laughed.

"what i'm supposed to do man"

"let her know before its too late. do you know how many nigga's want her" dtap asked ja with a straight face.

"you right, i'll figure some out" ja responded.


at around 7:30 pm melody took a shower and had tae to re-curl her hair, and ari to do her makeup with ari's products. she put on a racer jacket that was black, purple, hot pink, and white. she had one a silver skirt, some metallic blue designer heels, black glasses, black designer purse, and some purple glasses to match.

"you look like a bad bitch" tae said snapping his fingers for melody.

"all thanks to you and ari" she said laughing.

"y'all need to hurry up before we're late" ari told them looking at her phone that read 8:20 pm.

"okay y'all can go ahead of me, i gotta grab something" she said not wanting them to know about the car.

"okay, is harmony and india riding with us" tae asked grabbing his car keys.

"no they riding with each other, they said they gone meet us there" melody replied.

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