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[real life,social media,imessage]

"Merry Christmas Everyone"

real life

today was christmas and melody was woken by kaari who desperately wanted to open up her presents. while kaari was opening her presents melody decided to cook breakfast. she was going to cook shrimp and grits and some breakfast sandwiches.

while cooking melody would occasionally look up after hearing some gasps and going over there to help kaari open her gifts. then kadre called melody's phone.

the two had exchanged numbers since sometimes kaari's tablet would be dead or ja couldn't answer the phone. and especially when melody would pick kaari up when ja had games or away games.

"merry christmas" melody said answering the phone.

"merry christmas melody, sorry to call so early but is kaari up" kadre said giving a warm smile.

"you're okay and yeah she's up. she's in the living room opening her presents" melody said giggling.

"do you mind giving her the phone i just want to talk to her for a minute" kadre said.

"oh no problem let me get her right now" melody said before continuing, "your mommy wants you."

within mere seconds kaari came running into the kitchen and grabbed the phone and ran right back to the living room. melody could hear kadre asking her about her toys and kaari showing them to her.

when she got done with the shrimp and grits, she got started on the breakfast sandwich. that's when she felt warm gentle arms around her waist rubbing her stomach.

"and good morning to you to" melody said giving ja a kiss.

"you smell good" ja said causing his breath to tickle melody's neck. she began giggling.

"you're tickling me" she said removing herself from his grip. just then kaari came running back in the kitchen giving melody her phone back and dragging ja into the living room to play with her toys.

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melody then joins them in the living room and the couple opens each others gifts

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melody then joins them in the living room and the couple opens each others gifts. melody gifts ja with some cologne, shoes, clothes, and money. and ja gifts her with some perfume, shoes, money, and more makeup.

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