chapter seven

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Even though Coach fucking killed us at practice this morning, today's been an easier day since I only have two classes today.

I decide to go to one of the libraries on campus and do some notes and get some studying in.

It's a chilly morning so I'm wearing a hoodie and some sweats.
It's freezing on the bus so I'm glad when I feel the warmth of the heated library when I walk in.

The library seems to be pretty busy this morning and trying to find a seat is harder than I thought.

I head to the back of the library and search for a seat near a corner and for three corners straight, every single one of them are filled with people.

I turn to make my way over to the last corner before I take my losses and just head back to my dorm when I see an area past the corners thats secluded and there's only three people over there.


I head over to the area and there's a guy on his phone, someone else on a laptop and then,

Adare's got her laptop out and is writing on a notebook.

I know she's gonna be pissed and think that I sought her out but there are literally no other fucking seats in this library and she's gonna have to deal with it.

I walk up from behind her and right as I'm turning to sit my things down, facing her, she looks up from writing, sees it's me, and rolls her eyes back and slightly sighing.

I can't help but slightly smile before throwing my hands up in defense.
"There are literally no other seats in this fucking library Wellsy there was nothing I could do."

"Isn't that fucking convenient," she replies a whisper and then puts her head back down to continuing writing and I set my things down in the couch chair in front of her.

We sit for a couple minutes when the guy and girl who were sitting here get up and leave and then it's just me and Adare.

"What are you working on?" I ask.

She looks up at me, annoyed. "We're in a library, Wes. You can't talk."
"We're in the back of the library no one can hear us."

She doesn't reply, instead she says, "what are you working on?"

She asks a question but I can tell she doesn't actually care what the response is.

"Philosophy," I reply blankly.

She's quiet for a second before looking back down to her laptop and picking up her pen again.

"Same," she mumbles under her breath.

"I'm surprised you can even work on that, Wes. Where's your tutor?" She says without looking up, continuing to write.

I roll my eyes in response.
"Fuck off."

I bend over to grab my water bottle when I discover that it's empty.

"I'm gonna go fill up my water," I say while getting up.
She slightly nods her head, still writing.

There's a water fountain on the other side of the wall where we're sitting.
I walk over to the fountain and start filling up my bottle.

Someone walks up to Adare and asks enthusiastically, "Hi! I'm Allison and I'm apart of the Explorations Journalism team and we're looking for someone named Wes Graham."

Although I can't see anything, I can hear it.

The girl continues, "we're supposed to interview him and someone said they saw him come back here, do you know where he's at?"

I continue watching the slow fountain fill up my water when I hear Adare reply.

"Mhm, no, haven't seen him," she replies quickly.


"Are you sure?" The girl continues, "dark hair, tall, I mean, I'm sure you've seen him on tv hockey games."

"Nope never heard of him," she replies matter of factly.

My water is finally full and right when I step out from the other side of the wall, the girl is turned walking the other way.

I stand there with my water bottle in hand looking at Adare, who is looking up at me from her computer.

"Really?" I reply blankly.

"What?" She says back in an innocent tone. "I didn't know who they meant," she finishes and then looks back down to continue writing.

I just roll my eyes and sit back down. I didn't want to talk to them anyways.
It's just for some type of fake school article that no one is going to read.

"You're impossible," I huff, sitting back down in my chair and she looks unaffected, continuing to write.

thanks for reading :p
who's your "they're so me" character? i'm lexi howard through and through

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