chapter thirty-nine

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It's been a couple days since everything and I think I'm still fucking dazed thinking about it.

I can't go a minute without thinking about it and her and her again.

I'm so fucking in love with this girl it's not even funny.

I do really feel like I'm in a dream.

I feel like I've been waiting on Adare to give me the time of day since the very first day I moved to her school in first grade.

I've been hell bent on her since the moment I laid my eyes on her, she's had me in shambles.

There's sometimes I don't understand a lot of things about this world and life and why bad things happen to good people and why bad people keep coming out of the other side. But then I look at her and she's everything fucking right in this world.

She makes me want to be good and then I realize that I really would do any fucking thing for her and suddenly life isn't all that difficult to digest anymore.

I texted Adare to meet me for lunch after her class and I meet her outside of the library.

She's in baggie blue jeans with a cream colored cardigan on and some converse. Her jeans hug her thighs so perfectly and I really want to..

Shut the fuck up Wes you're supposed be to respectful.

She smiles softly when she sees me and I give her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Oh shit," I start and I feel around my jeans to find my keys.

"We have to go to my dorm, I forgot my keys."

Once we get into the long hallway, with every step, sounds get louder.

I'm not sure what it is until I take about two more steps forward towards my door when I suddenly know exactly what I'm hearing.

With every step me and Adare get down the hall, the moans and screaming, mixed with he constant banging of a headboard gets louder and louder.

I look down and Adare looks absolutely so confused with wide eyes, but she knows what it is too.

"It's like twelve in the afternoon," she whispers and I just laugh. "What the fuck."

"Yeah what the fuck," and Adare smacks me on the arm.

I figured we would have passed the dorm by now, but the noises keep getting louder and louder.

The screams, no, shrieking, that is coming from whoever room is so fucking unnatural.

We get in front of my dorm and very loudly hear a very eager praise of Jackson and we immediately realize it's coming from my fucking room.

Adare has wide, shocked eyes when realize it's Jackson too.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," I sigh.

"Let's just take my car," Adare quickly announces.

"Yeah perfect," I say in response and we quickly turn on our heals and book it out of the hallway.

We get out of the building when Adare kinda laughs. "I mean, go ahead, but on a Tuesday? At noon? Like what the fuck is that timing?"

"I don't fucking know," I roll my eyes while we finally walk up her to car and she tosses me her keys to drive.

As we get into the car and I'm starting it, Adare gets a little quiet.

"Do I, uh," she pauses and takes a quick swallow. "Do I sound like that?" She says in a very very quiet voice.

I turn my head to look at her so fucking quick.

I scrunch my brows. "No, no not at fucking all."

She gulps again.

"I know I make..noises," she says embarrassed.
Her cheeks are starting to turn a light blush pink.

I start to adjust my seat. "Yeah but you sound hot when you do it, that was like, fucking unnatural," I say.

She nods her head in response and I can tell she's relieved.

Holy fuck even the idea that she thought she sounded anything like that is fucking sinful.
Adare was..

My thoughts drift off because if I keep thinking about her we're not going to make it out of this parking lot.

thanks for reading!

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