chapter thirty-six

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Waking up with Adare in my arms is genuinely the best I've felt in a while.

When I look down, her light brown hair is spread slightly across her face and she's snug into my shoulder.

I have an early practice this morning so I have to leave before she wakes up.

When I get to practice and get all my gear on, I step onto the ice and have my helmet in my hand when Jackson skates over to me and pulls his helmet off, hair drenched in sweat.

Jackson had to run suicides today and hour before practice because he slept through the beginning of practice and was way late so coach got his ass.

"So I take it you and Adare are back together?"
I scoff and a smile forms on my lips.

Stepping onto the ice I say, "yeah we're back together."

"Good, cause you're not nearly as fun to watch movies with."

I just roll my eyes at him.

Practice kicked my ass. It was brutal.

Jackson looks like he's on the brink of death.
I couldn't imagine practicing for a minute more, much less running suicides before practice.

On the way out of practice, Jackson wobbles over to me.

"I think I'm gonna puke," he mumbles.

I scrunch my brows and push him away from me.
"Yeah, you go do that somewhere else."

I take a shower in the locker rooms and start to pack up my things.

Jackson gets out of the showers after me and sits beside me to put his shoes on.

"I feel like I got the shit beaten out of me," Jackson says.

"Probably didn't help that you partied all night."

He scoffs and gives me a look.

"I went home right after you did. I literally went to Adare's dorm."

"Yeah but I figured you went back," I say.
"Well I didn't. And I'm offended you think so low of me," he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah?" I put my nose up at him. "How many drinks did you have yesterday?"

He scrunches his brows, not knowing what to say before rolling his eyes and saying, "fuck you, doesn't matter."

I laugh and look town to grab my bag. "That's what I thought."

Adare ‧₊˚.*

My phone beeps as I'm saying goodbye to my dad on the phone.

Wes Are you at your dorm? You want go grab something to eat?

Me Yeah I'll walk over there in just a bit

Wes I'll walk over to get you once I take a shower

I text back a thumbs up and throw on a cardigan.
I'm wearing a light brown long sleeve and some baggie jeans with my brown Uggs.

It's getting really cold outside.

A few minutes later Wes shows up. He's swearing sweats and a hoodie with some tennis shoes. His hair's slightly damp from the shower he just took.

"You ready?" He says.
"Yeah just give me one second," I say as I turn to grab my tote bag.

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