chapter thirty

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

It's been two weeks since me and Wes officially...made it official?

I'm trying not to think too much about the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing because that freaks me out.

It's just me and Wes.
And I like me and Wes.
He makes me feel safe.

I'm studying in the library when someone suddenly shuts my laptop.

I look up and see Wes sliding into the seat next to me.

"Enough with the school work, let's go do something."

"We're in college Wes, this is what we're supposed to be doing," I say as I turn to him.

"We're also supposed to be having fun, Wellsy," he says as he starts to get out of his chair.

"You're leaving already?" I ask, turning to him.

"No, we're leaving," he says as he grabs my backpack.

I look up at him with 'are you serious right now?' eyes as he reaches for my arm.

"Don't give me that look, let's go."

I roll my eyes and stand up as he's dragging me up by my arm.

"Where are we going?"
"I don't care, your dorm or mine, your pick," he says back nonchalantly.

"Okay what are we doing?"
"Gosh Wellsy you don't always have to have a plan," he says as he happily walks beside me.

We decide on Wes' dorm.

When we walk in, I set down my things and we hop into his bed.

"What'd you wanna watch?" He asks as he grabs his laptop.

He knows my answer.
"Stranger Things," I smile.

I've watched, and rewatched, Stranger Things about a hundred times, but Wes only watched the first two seasons and then stopped, so we picked back up at season three.

We're on the last episode and I can't wait to see his reaction to the season finale before we start season four.

"I'm gonna get a snack, do you want anything?" Wes asks as he rolls out of bed.

"Trail mix."
When he gets out of the bed, something falls out of the bed.

When I move my head to see what fell to the ground from the bed I see that it's a black hair tie.

A black hair tie.
A black hair tie?

I don't wear black hair ties.
I either use a clip or nothing.

What the hell.
What the hell.
What the hell.

Oh fuck.

Did I think we were exclusive the whole time when we really weren't?

Has he been sleeping with other girls this whole time?

I mean, I know I told him at the beginning that he could date other girls but I thought that after that night we were exclusive.

What the hell.
What the hell.
What the hell.

I feel like a grade A idiot.

He returns with a bag of pretzels for him and trail mix for me.

He hands me the trail mix and when he makes eye contact with me, I guess he can tell I'm tense.

He scrunches brows and gives me a confused look. "You good?" He kinda laughs.

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