chapter forty-one

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It's Saturday night, the day of Jared's party.

When I drive me and Jackson over to pick up Adare, she's just wearing some jeans and a cream colored sweater with some converse.

I don't think I've ever seen her in anything other than blacks, browns, dark navy, whites and creams.
But she looks so fucking hot.

"Get in the back," I say to Jackson while looking at my phone.

"What the fuck man?" Jackson replies back, sounding surprised.

I just look up from my phone and glare at him to which he replies by rolling his eyes and sighing while unbuckling.

"And before you say anything," Jackson starts while climbing into the back. "I'm not even getting in the back because you said so. I'm getting in the back because I like Adare and I think she should get the front seat."

"Okay buddy," I say as Adare opens the door.

When we pull up to the party, there's so many cars here.

The music is loud and it's even louder outside.

Walking in with Adare following behind me, Jared finds us and talks to me and Jackson for a little.

I'm just glad we found him as soon as we walked in so that he knows that we were in fact here and hopefully can leave sooner.

When Jared walks off, Jackson follows him and goes to talk to some of the other guys.

I turn to look down at Adare.

"You want a drink?" I say, but she turns her head with a confused look on her face pointing her to ear. She doesn't hear me over the music.

I bend some and say it again into her ear.

"You want a drink?" I say again, her hair brushing the side of my face.

"I don't drink," she says, trying to raise her voice over the music.

"I know," I say into her ear. "I meant do you want a water or something?"

"I'm good," she replies.

"Well I do," I say while grabbing her arm gentle the pull her behind me as we make our way to where drinks are and I grab us both a water bottle.

Adare sticks by my side the entire time.

She also is slightly touching me whenever we stand.

Wether that be by just standing beside me where our arms slightly graze each other to her slightly having her arm raised to slightly hold the material of my hoodie on my arm between her pointer and middle finger.

I think that helps with her anxiety.

After standing and talking to some people at the party, I'm so sick of this fucking loud music and all the talking that I bend down to Adare ear. "Come with me," I say while guiding us to try and find somewhere quieter.

I don't want to go upstairs because I know there's people hooking up in those rooms so once we find a door on the first floor, I gently push it open and see that it's an empty kitchen with one of those swinging doors and I pull me and Adare into it.

When the door shuts, you can definitely still hear the muffled voices and music, but it's so much quieter in here.

I keep pulling us gently until we reach the counter and I lean back on it and bring my hands down to sit them at Adare's waist.

We just look at each other, and I can tell she's relieved to not be in the middle of the party anymore.

"I hate parties," she sighs and moves her hands to put her pointer fingers in either side of my hoodie pocket.

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