chapter seventeen

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

When Friday rolls around, I'm starting to feel really anxious.

I honestly don't even know what I agreed to.

Thinking back, I really don't think I agreed to anything.
He just kinda kept talking.

Taking a deep breath I throw on a cardigan and then sit back in my bed.

Waiting for a knock.
Or maybe not.
I don't even remember where he was supposed to pick me up.

Hopefully he just forgot.

My hopes are suddenly shattered when I hear a gentle knock on my door.

I exhale a shaky breath.

Damn it, I don't wanna go.

I pick up my phone and head over to the door to let Jordan in.

When I open the door, instead of being faced with a clean cut blonde, I'm face to face with messy, dark hair who's much taller than Jordan.


I have a confused look on my face, but oddly, I'm relieved that it's him and not Jordan.

"Wes?" I question. "What are you doing here?"

He looks down to me, "I think we accident switched computer chargers yesterday when we were working on the research paper."

I look down and he's got a white charger in his hand.

"Oh," I say while moving to my backpack on my desk.

I move some things around and pull out a charger from my bag.

"Yeah I guess we did," I lightly laugh as we switch chargers and his hand lightly brushes mine.

I hear another knock at my open door and turn to see Jordan standing in the doorway.


"Hey Adare you.." Jordan drifts off as he sees me and Wes.

Wes just looks down over at me without saying anything, but I don't look back at him.

"Wes?" Jordan questions. "What are you doing here?"

Flatly, without an expression on his face, he responds.
"We accidentally switched chargers, I was just coming back to grab mine."

"Oh alright," he drifts off.

Wes is looking down at him with an ever so slight scowl on his face that I don't think he knows he's showing.

Jordan shifts his eyes from Wes over to me.

"Anyways, uh Adare, you ready?" He asks.

"Ready?" Wes looks over to me.

I open my mouth to respond but Jordan cuts me off.
"We're going to hang with a couple of my friends," he says.

I silently lick my lips and take a gulp.

"We better get going," Jordan says. "Nice to see you again Wes."

Jordan turns his back to walk out the door and Wes looks over at me while Jordan isn't looking.

"You good?" He mouths with a confused look on his face.

I swallow and just nod my head at him, trying to avoid eye contact.

He silently sees my answer and begins to walk out the door.

When me and Jordan get to his friends house, there's definitely a lot more than just a 'couple of his friends.'

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