chapter fifteen

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

I'm finally finished with my classes for the day and I decide to go have some dinner at the dining hall.

I've been doing better recently.

I mean, my anxiety is still very much present, but I when thinking about my mom it's not as bad.

It's just around that the anniversary of her passing that I just, like, actually lose my mind.

It's just hard, her not being here to see me.

I make my way over to the a line and hope that it's something I like.

No way will I get out of line to see what they are actually serving, because then it's just so embarrassing when you have your wandering around not knowing where to go.

So, that's why I just hop into a line, pretending like I'm confident, and hoping for the best.

As the line starts gradually getting shorter, I can see that it's pineapple chicken.


No going back now though.

Instead, I just accept the plate of food and find a seat to myself and pull out my laptop to do some notes.

I take a bite out of the food and, yeah, not good.


She's typing so fast, barley touching her food.

She can't even go get food without doing something school related.

"Don't you agree?"

I'm suddenly pulled away from my thoughts and see a very enthusiastic Cass waiting for my response.

"Uh.." I drag out, I absolutely didn't hear her question at all.
"Yes I totally agree," I say and hope I didn't just agree to becoming an arsonist or something.

My eyes glance back up at Adare.

I think she's working on..psychology maybe? I can't really seen her screen too well from here.

"Wes are you even listening?" And my eyes dart back to the girl sitting in front of me, who now looks, very annoyed.

"Huh?" I question unsure. "Yeah, I'm..listening," I say back which is so obviously a lie.

Part of me doesn't feel bad though, I think the only things this girl knows about me is my name and that I play hockey.

She hasn't asked me a single thing about myself except for something surrounding hockey.

I however, know lots about her.

She's a communications major, she has two dogs, one named Pea and the other named Yury.

She's in a sorority and, I hate to be that guy, but you can always tell which girls are in a sorority.

She has two sisters who are also in that sorority.

She loves going out and partying.

Her best friends names are Tia and Bethany.
They are in the same major as her too.

Reciting this is actually making my head hurt, holy fuck she told me a lot about herself.

"Ugh Wes you seriously look so uninterested. I have guys waiting for me to give them a chance and this is how you treat me?" She says, starting to look a little mad now.

I don't say anything at first, so it's silent for a second.

I don't really know what to say.

"Actually you do look interested, just not in me."

I don't know what that even means.

"I'm really sorry," I just say lowly because, what the fuck else am I supposed to say?

She gets up, grabs her things and then just walks away.


I decide to go get another plate.
I just came from practice and the chicken didn't really fill me up.

I grab my things and then get a chicken sandwich and start to walk over to where Adare is sitting.

I sit down in front of her and she doesn't pick up her head, just her eyes to look at me.

I just scrunch my face and say, "gosh Wellsy don't be so excited to see me."

"What are you doing?" She questions, still eying me.

"Um, eating," I respond flatly.
"I thought you had practice today?"
"It was moved up two hours today."

She looks back down at her computer while saying, "I'm surprised you came to the dining hall by yourself, didn't think your ego could handle sitting alone."

"I actually wasn't here alone, thank you," I respond with an 'I told you so look.'
"I was having lunch with Cass," I finish.

"Where's she at?" She responds back, having zero reaction.

"She left me," I respond back lowly.

That makes her look up.

"Like left the dining hall or like, left left you?"
"The latter."

That puts a smug smile on her face.

"You got ditched Wes?" She laughs like this is amusing.

I scoff defensively, trying to hide that fact that is exactly what happened.

"Take that stupid smirk off your face Wellsy, it wasn't much of a loss."

She scrunches her brows in response, confused.

"I think she was about as deep as a kiddy pool," I respond back.

She kinda laughs and I continue. "She told me everything about her sorority and about her, but I genuinely think that she literally only knows my name and that I play hockey," I say with a laugh.

"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she actually didn't know my name, just the that I play hockey."

That isn't a lie, that's exactly what happened, but I did hide the fact that Cass walked out because I was too busy staring at her.

She smiles and looks down to her laptop.

"Play stupid games you win stupid prizes."

What the fuck does that even mean?

I look down to take bite out of my chicken sandwich and she's silently staring at it.

I look down at it, and then back at her, and she's oblivious to the fact that she's literally death staring my food.

"What's the matter with you?" I say with a laugh.

She looks up back at me sharply, "what the hell I didn't even say anything."
"You don't like your food?" I ask.

She looks down. "What, no," she drifts off, "no, I, I like it."

I roll my eyes and exhale while I push my plate over to her and take her plate of food for me.

I take a bite out of the pineapple chicken as she says, "What are you doing?!"

With food still in my mouth I mumble, "you're such a bad liar and you obviously don't like your food so the correct response, Wellsy, should be thank you."

She looks down at the sandwich, she wants it, but she still looks at it like she's unsure.

I roll my eyes. "I don't have cooties, Wellsy."
"We actually don't know that."

Despited her arguing, she rolls her eyes back and then picks up the sandwich a takes a bite.

I silently grin to myself while looking down at my food.

thanks for reading :p
what's your favorite sport? i literally only like watching hockey (for no other reason than for the GAME🙄🙄🙄🙄) jk i actually do like watching hockey but the players add so much reason for me to watch iykyk

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