chapter twenty-five

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I'm leaving my nine am class when I see Adare wave bye to the girl she was walking with before walking in the building to get to her next class.

She's looking down at her phone so I walk up behind her and wait until she gets next to a janitor's closet door before grabbing her by the waist as I'm opening the door and promptly shutting it after I get us both in.

"What the hell.." She screeches before seeing my face because of the dim light in the closet.

"What the fuck are you doing Wes!" She laughs slightly as I feel her waist and pull her into me.

I feel her soft skin and breathe her in and I press my lips to her and she kisses me back.

She moves one hand up to my side and slightly pulls her head away.

"What if someone saw us!" She says in a concerned tone.

"So they saw us," I mumble, moving my face to the side of her face, kissing her gently.

I keep my hands on her and fuck is she soft.

"We said we were gonna keep this a secret," she said, a little quieter this time as I continuing feeling her jaw with my lips.

"That's why we're in a closet right now, Wellsy," I mumble as I move my face again to meet our lips together again.

She's fucking intoxicating.
I can't get enough of her.

She kisses me back but pulls away again too soon.
"Someone could have saw us go into the closet," she says as I watch her and move my hands up her body, her hands still placed in the front of my chest.

"Why does it matter so much?" I say, slightly shaking my head and laughing a bit because she looks genuinely concerned over this.

"Because, Wes! We said we were going to keep this private, I don't want to be.." But she drifts off before finishing her sentence, so I finish it for her.

"Be seen with me in public?" I say with a slight cocky smile.

She exhales and rolls her eyes, I can sense she feels bad now, but that didn't hurt my feelings.

"Are you ashamed of me, Wellsy?" I say in a shocking, sarcastic manner with a grin as I move my head back down to meet my lips with hers.

She smiles onto my lips and I feel my heart fucking jump.

She's got me in her hands.

"I am ashamed of you," she mumbles, continuing to kiss me with a grin on her face.

"I'm hurt, Wellsy," I mumble back as I move my hands up her body and lean forward slightly to push our bodies even closer together.

She move her hand from side up to my chest and grabs onto the material of the hoodie I have on.

"I really have to get to class, Wes," she mumbles but doesn't pull away.

Instead of breaking us apart, I pivot us so that her back's now against the wall and press her into me more as I feel her.

As I deepen the kiss, Adare lets out a breathing sigh and I almost lose my fucking balance right there.

"I'm serious Wes," she mumbles in a grin as she brings her arms over my shoulder.

I don't move, just keep kissing her and she feels so. fucking. good.

"Wes," she says once more, breaking us apart slightly and I immediately pick me head up and look at her.

"Do you want me to stop?" I say, looking into her eyes.

She rolls her eyes and sighs. "No," she mumbles.
I smile again before leaning back down into her.

"Five minutes," she says sternly before kissing me back and I feel a grin on her face.

thanks for reading!

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