chapter thirty-one

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

It's a cool, crisp autumn morning and my window has a soft layer of frost on it that's starting to melt off.

It's nine am on a Saturday and Wes had to leave before I woke up for an early hockey practice.

He should be getting back from practice at ten and I decide that I should bring him some breakfast.

I get dressed quickly and just throw on some yoga pants and a sweater before heading to the parking lot to drive to chicken minis.

When I finally get the food and drive over to Wes' dorm, he should be getting back anytime now.

Walking up to his door, with his food in hand, I slightly knock on the door and hear something but I can't hear what he said.
These doors are too thick, but I heard Wes so I go ahead and open the door.

"Hey I thought I would bring you.. OH MY GOSH," I scream when I walk through the door and see not Wes, but Jackson. A very...naked Jackson.

He immediately grabs the towel that he's drying his hair off with. "Adare!"

"Adare?" I hear at the same time as Jackson yells my name.

I sharply turn and see a very confused Wes looking at what seems like me and a naked Jackson.

Well I guess that is what is actually is.

I widen my eyes in shock, "this is not what I looks like," I practically plea. I can feel my face heating up.

"I thought you were Wes!" I hear Jackson exclaim.
"I thought you were Wes," I say back.

"What. The. Fuck," I hear Wes exclaim.

"Dude I swear," I say to Wes with wide eyes. "I thought it was you before I opened the door and I had no idea, Wes," I say with so much desperation.

Wes still has the most confused look on his face and I just decide to take my losses.

I know my face is blood red from embarrassment.

I exhale, "you know what I'm just going to leave," I say and try and dart right out of the room but Wes takes a step to the side and grabs my arm.

"Oh no you're not," he says as he pulls me back over to him.

He looks over to Jackson. "You're leaving."

"What? Man this is my room," Jackson complains like a child.

Wes doesn't say anything, just gives Jackson a look which prompts Jackson to exhale and roll his eyes while stopping around grabbing his clothes and muttering things under his breath.

When he finally walks past us to get out the door I hear, "my room, my room!" He spits out a laugh. "Like this is my fault."

Me and Wes watch him leave and as soon as the door shuts, Wes slowly turns his head to me. I give an awkward smile that I know is more of a painful one than awkward. Maybe both.

He just sighs and walks over to throw a black shirt over his head and I'm just now realizing that he only had sweatpants on and no shirt.

But holy hell do I notice it now.

The shirt quickly covers him before I get the change to actually look at him.

I gulp.

"You wanna eat now?" He says.

Eat? Like nothing just happened?

I look over at him wearily. "You don't want me to...explain?" I drift off.

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