chapter twelve

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

It's been a two days since everything and I haven't seen Wes.

I'm pretty sure they've been practicing like two times a day because of a huge game coming up against West Larkin.

I've honestly been feeling better.
Maybe this makes me sound like a terrible person, but hearing Wes talk about his dad made me feel a little less alone.

Today's my off day so I decide to go grab something to eat at a drive through.

I let my car warm up and turn on some Tswift.
All Too Well ten minute version, duh.

I sing along to the music while scrolling on my phone.

"And you call me up again just to break me like a promise,
So casually cruel in the name of being honest I'm a crumble up piece of paper lying her, cause it remember it all, all, all too well."

I start singing a little louder because this bridge is God tier.

"They say alls well that ends well but I'm in a new hell every time you double cross my mind, you said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine, AND THAT MADE ME WANT TO DIE. The idea you had of me, who was she? A never needy ever lovely jewel, who's shine reflects on you. Not weeping in a party bathroom some actress asking me what happened, YOU. Thats what happened YOU," I sing along until I suddenly jolt when I hear a knock on my car window.

My eyes look straight open like I've just been caught doing something bad.

This is humiliating.

What's even more humiliating is when I see who it is that knocked.

Wes and his messy hair that's slightly wet, assuming from a shower, wearing dark grey sweatpants and a university hoodie.

Oh my hell.

He stands there, obviously waiting on me to roll down my window.

So I do and he is gaping at me, with a stupid grin on his face.

As soon as I roll my window down I reach over a punch him in the side and he leans back "Ow!"

"What the fuck Wes," I say annoyed, and embarrassed, "you don't sneak up on someone like that."
"I didn't even sneak up on you!" He replies back defensively. "I knocked," he says sharply.

I roll my eyes and quickly say, "still!"

"He reaches down to his side and says, "fuck you Wellsy that hurt,"

"Oh screw off Wes you can't handle a little shove?"
"That wasn't a shove that was a fucking punch," he says back.
"I thought you played hockey," I say mockingly.
"Yeah exactly," he says like a know it all. "I get beat up enough."

I just roll my eyes.

He starts to walk off and I think he's leaving until he walks around to the other side of my car and gets in the passenger seat.

I just side eye him.

"What you are doing?"
"Where are we going," he says instead of answering.

"Uh what?" I question while scrunching my brows.

"I said where are we going," he says while turning to buckle up. "Gosh maybe that's why you fucking suck at singing, you're deaf."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I say, annoyed. He is so fucking annoying.

"Deaf, tone deaf, same thing," he says back nonchalantly.

Once he's buckled, he turns to look at me,"so let's go," he says in an exhale. "Where we headed?"

I'm still sitting with the car in park, just looking at him with my brows scrunched confused, and frankly annoyed, at why he's in my car.

"We aren't headed anywhere, I'm heading to get food."

"Perfect, I'm starving," he says and I scrunch my brows and lightly shake my head while tossing my hands up in the air.

"I'm seriously hungry."

I roll my eyes and exhale, admitting defeat and putting the car in drive.

"Fine," I say quickly, annoyed. "But I'm picking where we're going."
"Of course," he says with a stupid smirk.

I decide on burgers cause, how can you go wrong?

He starts to unbuckle as we get pull into the parking lot. "Uh, we're eating in the car," I say.

"I can't chance being seen with you in public," I say to hide the fact that I hate going into restaurants because of my anxiety.
Too much going on.

"Whatever you say," he says in an exhale, rolling his eyes.

We get our food and start eating it while music plays.

We don't say much.
We don't really have to.

I guess that is the one thing isn't completely totally awful about Wes.

He's not the type of person that has to fill the silence and silence has never been awkward between us.

As we continue eating I hear a very low, almost not there, humming and I have to really listen to tell that it's coming from Wes.

I listen for a few more seconds.

"Oh my fuck you're humming Taylor Swift."

He doesn't look embarrassed at all.
"What? You think you're the only one who can listen to Tswizzle?" He says confidently.

I immediately cringe, "ew don't ever say that again," I say with a disgusted look on my face.

He rolls his eyes and goes back to eating his burger.


I scarf down my burger while Adare is still finishing hers.

"Wait I am confused though, why do some of her songs have Taylor's Version on them and some don't?" I ask, and it's genuine. I really don't know.

She stops eating and looks up at me.
She looks like she just won a vacation on a game show.

"Because those are her re-recordings. Basically all of her old albums, Debut, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989, and Reputation were from a label company that told her that they would let her eventually buy her music because she didn't own it at the time and when she tried buying it, the dickheads sold it to another label company and she doesn't get any of the money from those albums."

My eyes fall open a little wider as I listen to her. How the fuck does she know all of that off the top of her head?

"So she still owns the rights to the lyrics, just not the music, so she found a loophole to being able to own her own art and thats by the re-recording."

She keeps talking.

I think this may be the most she's said to me, probably ever.

"Since it's copyright it she uses the original title, she adds the Taylor's Version to it and that way she can fully own her own music."

I just gape at her.
She knows so much about Taylor Swift, out of all things.

I don't say anything, just looking at her intently and she doesn't wait for a response before asking, "so do you get it now?"

I lightly laugh, "yeah Wellsy, I get it."

Then she just turns back to eating her burger.

thanks for reading!
what's you're favorite taylor swift album? i'm a folklore girly through and through

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