chapter twenty-eight

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

I'm sitting by my window in some sweatpants and a cardigan when I hear my phone go off.

Wes You wanna go grab something to eat?
Wes I just got out of practice and I'm starving

Me Did you score a play?

Wes ?

Me You know, in hockey

Wes I'm still not catching on
Wes Is this one of your jokes that no one understands
Wes If so just tell me and and I'll pretend to laugh so we can move on

Me I wasn't making a joke

Wes ?

Me In hockey, Wes. Did you score a play?

Wes What the fuck are you talking about?

Me Did I not say it right?

Wes That was your attempt at asking if I scored?
Wes Oh my fuck Wellsy

Me Well what the hell was I supposed to say

Wes Literally anything else

He doesn't respond for a second before I finally see the three dots appear again.

Wes You fucking sucked at that, anyways do u want to go eat or not

Me Sure let me get dressed

I just put on a pair of jeans and trade out my thinner cardigan for a thicker one since its getting pretty cold and pull my hair back with a clip.

When I walk over to Wes' dorm parking lot, I see that he just walked out to his car so he's still standing outside.

He stares at me for a second before he says quietly, "you look pretty."

I scrunch my eyes and grin. "What did you say?"

He blinks, realization hitting him before he clears his throat. "I said you looked shitty, now can we go?" He says as he gets into the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask while buckling up.

"Uhh I don't know," he drags on as he's backing up.

"What about Chick-FilA"

We get our food and sit in the car to eat it when I hear Wes phone go off once.

He ignores it.

It goes off again.
He pulls it out of put it on silent.

It goes off again, this time just vibrates.

I look over at him and put a fry in my mouth before saying, "maybe you should answer that?" I say a little confused because there's got to be a reason to whoever he's ignoring.

He doesn't look back at me before mumbling, "no."

The drive back is quiet, we put on some light music but there's so much tension in the air.

I feel like his mind is going a hundred miles an hour. And I don't know what he's thinking.

When we get back to campus, Wes gulps before he gets out of his car.

"Do you wanna, uh," I gulp, "come back to my dorm?"

I don't know what's going on right now but I feel like he shouldn't be alone.

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