chapter twenty-nine

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The past few weeks have been flying by.

It's October now and Adare and I have been spending a lot of time together.

We haven't talked about what we are at all, but all I know is that Adare isn't seeing anyone else and I sure as hell am not seeing anyone else and we just make out, and sleep in each other's rooms and study together and get food and make fun of each other.

I've never actually been in a real relationship, so I don't know what they feel like, but if I had to guess, it would look a lot like this.

I'm not saying anything though. I don't know what Adare would think about that and the last thing I want to do is scare her off.

This is enough for me.

Adare shows up at my dorm in baggie jeans, a cream colored sweater and converse. She brought her bag over here because normally whenever we hang out we study too.

My practice just got out like twenty minutes ago and I showered so my hair's still lightly damp.

She sits down and pulls out some note cards.

I scrunch my brows. "Wellsy you know you can takes like, an hour off of studying."

"I could," she says while continuing to flip the notecards, flying through them.

I inch closer to her. "I think you know them all," I say while dipping my head to hers.

She kisses me, but is tense.

"Put the notecards down," I mumble while continuing to kiss her.

She lowers her the notecards in her hands and kisses me back.

I'll never get tired of this.
I inhale and she smells like vanilla.

"You smell good," I mumble, continuing to work my mouth against hers.

"It's probably the studying scent," she breaths back.
"Mhm," I say while dragging one of my hands down to her waist. Her sweater is so soft.

We're so caught up and I don't even hear the keys unlocking the door and my roommate walking in who promptly stops in his tracks. "Didn't mean to interrupt," Jackson says.

Adare jumps back quickly and picks up her notecards again, her face flushed.

She's so embarrassed. It's cute.

She lets out a fake cough and looks back at her notecards, not saying anything, not looking at me and definitely not looking at Jackson.

"We're just studying," I nod to Jackson.

He grins. "I wanna do that kind of studying," he mumbles under his breath.

Part of me wants to choke him out because I don't know if he meant making out or making out with Adare.

Adare still has a light pink blush spread across her face when I feel my phone go off.

Looking down, I see that it's Max, one of my teammates.

"I'll be right back, Max is downstairs with the hoodie I left, I'm gonna go meet him down there."

Adare nods with a soft smile and I head out the door.

Adare ‧₊˚.*

I can still feel the warmth of my cheeks from Jackson walking into me and Wes, but I'm hoping it's not that noticeable.

Jackson is just unpacking his bag when he starts to speak.

"I'm not gonna be that romance novel type of cliche and say 'I see how he looks at you,'" he says with a slightly higher pitched voice before continuing, "but like damn, Adare, his breathing like actually fucking changes when he sees you. I can hear when his breath catches every time, like he's never seen you before."

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