chapter twenty-seven

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I hold the door and let Adare into my dorm before I follow after her.

She sets her things down and she stands kinda shyly, not knowing what to do next.

I walk over to her enough to reach my hand into one of the belt loops of her jeans and pull her into me.
I waste no time putting my lips onto hers.

I feel her slightly smile into my lips before she kisses me back.

I exhale into her and feel her lean into my more.

I fucking love kissing her.

I feel one of her hands move to my side and the other onto the side of my face and I think I damn near melt from her soft touch.

I don't stop kissing her but mumble against her slightly.

"You smell so good,"
"Thanks, I shower," she smiles against me.

I roll my eyes and back us up until we reach my bed and I sit down.

I don't give her a chance to move to the side of me and just put both of my hands on the back of her thighs so that she sits on top of my lap.

I can tell she's a little surprised but moves her hand on the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair.

I squeeze her waist and her so lost in making out with her that I almost don't hear the key outside the door.

Adare promptly pulls her lips off of my mine and has wide eyes.

I kinda scrunch my brows, slightly confused when she quickly jumps off my lap.

"Wes he can't see me in here!" She whisper shouts as she darts her eyes across the room.

"Jackson one second I'm changing!" I shout to Jackson trying to unlock the door.

I look back over to Adare and she's moving to the side of the room.

"What do you mean he can't see you in here?" I whisper back to her, very confused.

"Because Wes!" she whisper shouts back at me.

"Where can I hide?"

I widen my eyes. "Hide? You want me to hide you?"
"Yes!" She exclaims.

Just as I roll my eyes and exhale because what the fuck, she opens my closet door as shoves her way inside.

"Are you kidding me?" I whisper shout.
"Just get rid of him!"

I roll my eyes and look back and the door quickly before rushing over where she's at in the closet.

"This is ridiculous Adare!" I whisper shout.
"Wes," she says without moving her teeth, obviously annoyed at me.

"You dressed yet?" I hear Jackson shout from outside the door.

Her eyes widen again, looking at me directly in the eyes, almost like a plea.

I close my eyes and exhale and start to shut the closet door.
"Hold on!" I shout back.

As I'm shutting my closet door with Adare inside, I realize how this fucking looks.

I open the door slightly to look back at her.
"This was your idea Adare! I'm not the one hiding you in a closet, this is all you," I whisper to her because this whole scene right now really makes me look like a fucking asshole.

"I wouldn't hide you in a closet!" I say and she quickly responds back.

"I know, Wes! Shut the fuck up and shut the door!"

I roll my eyes and quickly shut the door and then shout that it's fine for Jackson to come in.

Just as he walks in I realize I'm gonna have to get rid of him so Adare can leave.

"Oh hey actually Jackson can you please go get me some water bottles from the dining hall? I totally forgot to get some and I'm about to be on call with my advisor and I really can't miss it."

Jackson visibly slumps and exhales.

"I was just at the dining hall."
"I know I'm sorry man please?"
"You can't go after?"
"Adare might be coming over later to work on the project we have and I don't wanna be gone when she gets here," I say.

He rolls his eyes so hard I think they stick to the back of his head.

"Fine," he exhales, dragging the word out.

I watch him leave and as soon as the door shuts I quickly walk over to the closet door and let Adare out.

"Now what the fuck," I shake my head as she walks out.

"What?" She replies back like she wasn't just hiding in my fucking closet.

I move my head forward.
"What?" I mock. "You just hid in my closet," I reply back with wide eyes.

"I told you I wanted to keep it private," she says quieter.
"Yeah private, not a fucking secret," I say under my breath.

She exhales and closes her eyes before saying, "it's just.." she drifts off. "It would be be way too complicated."

"You don't think you could have just, like, moved to the other side of the room or something when he walked in?" I say sarcastically.

She slightly rises her brows before she says, "I never come over to your dorm to work on the project until it's the evening time, never during the middle of the day, he would have thought something was up."

I raise my brows and shake my head, dumbfounded.

"You're impossible," I say, moving over to pull her into me and placing my lips back on hers.

thanks for reading!

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