chapter twenty-two

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

I cried the whole way home.

It didn't help that it starting pouring as I was driving home.

I'm upset about my mom, I'm embarrassed that Wes walked up on me crying, I'm exhausted and I'm tired.

I know Wes wouldn't ever actually do something to purposely make me feel so exposed like that, but he just caught me in a really vulnerable state.

I toss myself into bed after quickly washing my face.

I'm exhausted.

Right as I'm starting to dose off, I hear a gentle, but constant tapping on my bedroom balcony door.

What the hell is at my door? Part of me thinks it's the rain or wind hitting my door because it is still pouring out there, but the knocks keep coming and instead of being completely constant, there's a pattern to the last couple of knocks.

I pull myself out of bed and turn on my outside light that hasn't been turned on in almost two years.

The dim orange light doesn't do much and I'm able to now see that it's Wes standing on the other side of the door.

Standing directly in the pouring rain, not a single clothing article on him is dry.

When I quickly open the door, I'm faced with his messy dark hair completely soaked, dripping onto his forehead.

His eyes look the tiniest bit red, but I can easily tell it's not from crying.

It either looks like he's been awake for multiple days without end, or he was holding back tears and was successful.

"Wes what the hell are you.." I say, but he promptly cuts me off.

"My dad showed up today drunk off his ass and my mom was a wreak and then she left and I don't know where she went and she's not back and I just can't, I can't have you mad at me too okay?" He says in one long run on sentence, but he doesn't stop there.

"So fucking call me any name you can think of, hit me, tell me how much of a fucking idiot I am but please, please, don't shut me out Wellsy. I just can't," he takes in a shaky breath. "I can't not have you either." He finally finishes.

My eyes scan all over his face, still standing in the pouring rain and it's pitch black outside other than the one light I have on.

"Wes come inside oh my gosh, you're getting soaked," I plea.

But he stays still. "Does this mean we're good?"

"Yes Wes we're good." I shake my head, "I'm not mad at you okay? I was just a really vulnerable spot and it's just really embarrassing when someone walks up to that. I'm not mad at you," I say once again.

Relief floods onto him.
"Thank fuck," he says in an exhale.

"Will you just get inside already?" I say, practically snapping at him.

"Yeah, yeah," he says quickly like he forgot that he was standing outside and walks through the door.

He stands on my floor, not moving too much, and dripping water.

I look at him and gulp, "um I'm gonna go get you a towel and some of my dad's clothes to change into.

Before I go, I turn around to look at him, his dark grey t-shirt sticking to his skin, and his sweatpants that look two times heavier because of all the rain water.

"Did you walk here?"

"Yeah.." He drifts off. "I was gonna drive but I locked myself out of the garage and didn't have the keys with me to unlock it."

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