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Three months later

Adare ‧₊˚.*

It's Christmas break and me and Wes are on our way back home to my house.

His mom is spending Christmas in another state so I invited him to come stay with us.

I turn on a Taylor Swift playlist and we just enjoy the nearly three hour trip.

When we finally pull into my neighborhood, it reminds me of my childhood.

It's mid December and it's snowing lightly.

All the houses are decorated with lights up and decorations in the front yard.

I love Christmas.

Christmas reminds me that no matter what is going on, Christmas will always meet me with a warm hug.

Christmas makes me miss my mom.
She loved it just as much as I do, and she always made it magical.

We pull into the driveway and Wes puts the car in park and then turns it off.

When we enter the house, I drop all my bags but he front door and run into my dad's embrace.

"Hey dad," I say while hugging him.

It smells like cinnamon in the house and he's got the whole house decorated.

"I missed you," I hear my dad say as he starts to loosen the hug.
"I missed you too."

"Hey Mr. Wells," Wes smiles.

My dad pulls him in for a hug too.

"Hey! I've got some hot cocoa on the stove, I'm gonna go get you guys a cup," my dad says excitedly as he runs into the kitchen

"I'm gonna go bring the bags upstairs," I say.

"No I'll get them, go visit your dad," Wes says while grabbing the bag from my hand.

I nod and follow dad into the kitchen.

When I open the swinging door into the kitchen, it smells like warm hot, homemade hot cocoa.
It's my mom's recipe.

"I even got new Christmas mugs," dad says while scooping the cocoa into three mugs.

I smile.
I'm so happy to be home.

"So, uh," my dad smirks, "how long have you two been together?"

His smirk makes my cheeks blush.
"Few months," I smile softly.

"You're mom always knew you two would end up together," he starts. "Talked about you guys anytime she got back from any school function watching you guys argue."

I just smile and shake my head while sitting down at the table while dad hands me a mug of cocoa.

I pull my sweater sleeves down and drink the cocoa.
Tastes the same.

I hear the door swing open and turn to see Wes walking in.

He's got on a black hoodie and his messy dark brown hair is falling slightly onto his face.

Wes reaches over behind me and grabs one of the mugs of cocoa and his arm slightly brushes my shoulder.

"How's the team?" My dad asks Wes.

"It's good, we're 16-2," Wes replies after he takes a sip.

We chat for a bit before my dad says that he's going to run to the store and get a few things to make dinner.

Me and Wes walk upstairs toward my room.

When we get inside, I take off my shoes and sit on my bed.

Wes takes a look around my room.
The pictures, my bookshelf, my desk, the quotes in my room.

He stops at a picture frame on my bookshelf of me and my mom when I was younger.

"I remember this day," he says quietly.

"You do?"

"Yeah, that was second grade I think, I remember that outfit."

I slightly raise my eye brows.
"You remember my outfit?"

"Yeah cause I pulled one of the fringe pieces off but you didn't notice."

"Asshole," I say, but I can't help by slightly smile.

He walks over to my bed and sits down beside me.
He leans into me and presses his lips to mine.

He brings his hands down to my waist and I sigh slightly.

He pulls away a little bit.

"You know how long we could have been doing this?" He says lightly.

"Mhm," I mumble and close my eyes to press my lips back to his.

I run my hands through his hair.

"It's always been us," I whisper.

"Mhm," he mumbles and smile against my face while pushing us back onto the pillows.

Wes is it for me.
It's always been him.
It's always been us.

thank you guys for reading! hope you guys loved it as much as I did writing it!

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