chapter twenty-one

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When I got to my moms for fall break, we had a short lived dinner before we heard a knock on the door.

My fucking dad.

He came over drunk off of his ass and slurring words about how much he missed her and our family and how things used to be.

Not sure if he was meaning how things used to be before he started drinking like this, or before my mom left him and when I finally stood up to him.

My mom still doesn't know.

Figured there's no use to telling her now.
It's been a long time.

After having to kick my drunk dad out and consoling my crying mom, I feel like I'm on the brink of a psychotic break.

I just wanted one day with my mom and my coward of a fucking father had to absolutely ruin that.

My mom told that she needed to take a drive to clear her mind.
That this was just too much at once for her.

She left the house and hasn't been back in an hour.
I've been sitting in my room throwing a tennis all against the wall and catching it again for almost half an hour.

What the fuck did I ever do to deserve my fucking dad, out of all people, to ruin every fucking thing in my life.

I exhale and decide to go on a walk.
This house is starting to suffocate me.

Walking down the rode, I listen to the car passing in the distance and watch the street lights flicker lightly.

I almost make to to the end of the block when I turn to my left and see Adare, out of all people, standing near a street light.

It's so dark I can barley see her, or anything around her.

"Wellsy?" I call out, walking up to her.

"What are you doing out this late? Trying to get kidnapped?" I try to joke but abruptly stop in my tracks as I realize that she's standing over her moms grave.

Fuck fuck fuck.

She turns her head to look at me and I can see her bloodshot eyes.

She's been crying.
Like really crying.

She dips her head once she sees me and wipes her tears.

"Wes please just leave I really can't handle any of your comments right now."

Fuck does she really think that low of me?
That I would purposefully try and impose on something this personal?

I try and backtrack and fix what I just royally screwed up by interrupting.

"Listen, Adare, I know I mess with you but I would seriously never try and impose on something like this," I gulp. "You know that," I say with pleaing eyes.

She's silent while looking at the ground.

"You know that right?" I almost whisper.

Come on, give me anything.

Call me an asshole, a bastard, an idiot.
Just give me anything.

She swallows and gets up, shuffling to grab her things. "Yeah, Wes, whatever I'm leaving."

She speed walks always, leaving me in the opposite direction and I feel like absolute and total shit.

Why the fuck did I have to walk up on that.
I close my eyes and exhale a breath while putting my hands on the top of my head, running them through my hair.

How do I make this up to her?

thanks for reading <3

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