chapter thirty-eight

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

It was perfect.

When it was over, Wes got a wet washrag and cleaned me up.

He was perfect. And it was perfect and all I know is that I want to do it again.

It was us.

He climbed back in bed and grabbed me one of his sweatshirts as he put on one too.

He puts on Stranger Things and we sit and watch it for a couple of minutes.

I'm laying slightly on him, with my cheek on his shoulder.

He's got his arm around me and is gently moving his fingers slightly in the hair by my ear.

"Are you still good?" He whispers really low, but his deep voice comes out raspy trying to be quiet.

I exhale and slightly move my head to look up at him.

His eyes are watching me deeply, intently.

Seeing his genuine concern makes me smile slightly.
"Yeah I'm good," I say with a soft smile.

This immediately relieves him.
He smiles back at me and his eyes glimmer.

"I'm great, actually," I add.

I take a gulp.

"Is it always like that?" I ask, a little nervously.

I know Wes has had sex before, it's no secret, and it's also not something I'm ashamed of. But it still feels weird asking.

He takes a long blink, looking slightly dazed, while saying, "it's never like that."

This retracts me a bit.
"Like a good never or a bad never?" I ask so quickly that I don't even process what I just said.

He widens his eyes slightly. "Like a fan-fucking-tastic never, Wellsy."

Thank God.

"It's never been like that because it was never with you."

I don't say anything, just watching him without feeling like I need to say anything.

Me and Wes have something that you can hear in the silence.

I don't really know what it is, but he makes me feel like the most perfect, loved human in the world.

We go back to watching the TV and he still has his finger playing gently with my hair.

"Do you hurt?" He says in a very, very, low raspy whisper.

"Just a little." I say quietly. "Not bad though," I finish.

For the rest of the night we just stay right where we are, not getting up once, and falling asleep.

thanks for reading!

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