chapter nineteen

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

I can feel the even breaths I'm taking.

With every moment I'm waking up more, I'm getting colder.
Why is it so freezing in my room?

I start to stir and flutter my eyes open.

When I do, I see a dark brown blur in front of me.

I open my eyes fully and see that it's in face Wes' messy hair in front of me.

Now that I'm fully awake, I can see that me and Wes are both leaned over in our seats, laying on the middle console.

I'm laying on the back side and he's in front of me.

Right as I'm realizing where we are, I hear Wes take a deep breathe through his nose, waking up, starting to realize where we're at.

"What the fuck? Did we fall asleep in here?"
I just give him a obvious look.

"Well what the hell do you think Wes? Take your best guess."

Like, no shit Sherlock we fell asleep in here.

He rolls his eyes at me as sits up straighter.

"Holy fuck it's cold," he says while rubbing his hands together.

He puts his hand out to start his car and it starts to get warmer almost immediately.

"I've got practice," he says lowly while looking at the time.

"Yeah I should get back to my dorm," I sort of whisper.

I reach for my bag sitting on the floor board and pause.

"Thank you for yesterday, I'm sorry about," I exhale, "everything," and I let out a small laugh.

He looks me in the eye. "I'll pick you up anytime."

And I believe it.

Wes may be an annoying asshole, but he'll always show up.
That much you can count on.

I spend the rest of my weekend studying.

I didn't even leave my dorm once, I just ate the food I already had in my room.

Walking on campus, it's a chilly fall morning.
The leaves are falling, I'm wearing a white sweater and mom jeans with my ugg slippers. My hair is down with the sides pulled back into a braid in the back.

I stopped by a cafe to grab some coffee on my way to class, and when I get to my seat, I totally forgot that Jordan is also in this class.

Please, for the love of God, let him skip this class.

My hopes suddenly disappear when I see a blonde stroll into class.

He doesn't have red eyes anymore, and I try and avoid eye contact as much as I can.

I kinda sink down into my seat and really hope that he doesn't see me.

He sits down towards the front of the class and I feel like I can breathe.

I see Wes stroll in, with his messy hair and in a hoodie.

His presence immediately brings me comfort.
Just a familiar face, you know.

He walks over to his seat and immediately grabs my coffee and takes a sip.

I give him a look and throw my hands up.

"What the fuck Wes?"

He looks at me like he didn't do anything wrong.

"Wellsy I just got out of practice and I'm freezing."
"Then get your own coffee asshole," I say while turning to look at the professor who just walked in the door.

Wes continues sipping the coffee as Professor McClain starts her lecture.

After an excruciatingly long lecture, she finally dismisses us and we both gather our things and stand up. We only have two more weeks to work on our paper for this class.

As we make our way to the door, Wes standing right beside me, we see Jordan standing on the opposite side of the hall, obvious that he's waiting on us, or me.

Wes stiffens beside me and rolls his eyes.
"Oh what the fuck," he mumbles under his breathe.

I really thought I would be terrified right now, seeing Jordan again after Friday, but surprisingly I feel nothing.

I'm more pissed than anything.
But I'm not scared.

I gulp slightly and look up to Wes, who's already looking at me.

"What do you want me to do?"
"I don't wanna talk to him," I whisper quietly, but loud enough for Wes to hear me.

Me and Wes keep walking towards him because we have to in order to get out the door.

Jordan leans off of the wall and stands up straight.
"Hey Adare can I talk to you?" He looks at me, ignoring Wes' presence.

Instead of letting me respond, Wes just takes a short step in front of me and looks down at Jordan.

He laughs, "no man."

Jordan just looks at me and asks again. "Can I talk to you please?"

"What the fuck do you not understand? Walk away, man."

Jordan glances back up at Wes, then at me, and then exhales and walks away.

I also let out a breathe and Wes rolls his eyes.
"Fucking coward," he mumbles under his breath.

thanks for reading!

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