chapter twenty-six

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It's Monday morning and I'm walking to Oceanography.

It's so cold outside and the leaves have fallen.

When I walk into the lecture hall, I see Adare sitting, reading a book.

She's wearing loose jeans with a black turtle neck and those Ugg slippers.

Her hair down, but clipped back. She's been wearing those since high school.

I'm nearly late, so right as I find my seat, Professor McClain starts the lecture.

She gives me a soft smile but doesn't say anything.

Although it's cold out, Adare looks so cozy.

She's got a hot coffee with her and I'm so cold that I need something and I didn't bring one so, I kinda have no other choice.

I reach other and take a sip out of her cup.

She looks over at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Asshole," she whispers. "Now I can't finish that."

I roll my eyes and lean my mouth down to her ear and whisper, "Wellsy my tongue was in your mouth, I'm pretty sure you can drink after me."

She tenses up as I whisper and doesn't say anything, just gulps and then sits back, looking straight ahead at the lecture I know she's not paying attention to.

Leaning back, I see her face turn bright pink blushing.

I love making her blush.
I love that I'm the one making her blush.

When class is dismissed, we gather our things and walk outside.

We get outside and the cold breeze hits us.

Adare fumbles with the strap on her bag before asking, "do you have a class after this?"

"Wellsy if you want to maul we right here you can just do it, you don't have to ask," I say with a smirk.

My shoulder is hit before she says, "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about our project, Wes."

I inhale and say, "no I don't, do you want to go to your dorm?"

She side eyes me.

I give an innocent look and reply back defensively, "to work Wellsy!"

She gives me an unsure look at then agrees.

Things haven't been weird between us, but they're just not normal..? I guess? I mean I get it, I don't even know what we are either but it's just..odd.

When we get to her dorm, she opens her door and sets her things now.

Right as I sit down, someone knocks at her door and Adare goes to open it.

When she opens the door, there's a petite girl on the other side.

"Hey I was about to go get an açaí bowl, do you wanna come?" The girl says.

Adare leans over slightly to show me sitting on her bed. Ugh I wish, but we have to work on our class project," she says sincerely.

The girl moves her head slightly and I can see her eyes slightly widen before looking back to Adare and in their miserable attempt at whispering, she says "that's who you were complaining about?"

"If you only knew," Adare says back and then they say their goodbyes and she walks back over to the bed.

"That was my friend Ameeriah, sorry. Where were we at?

She plops back down on her bed and pulls out her computer.

"Hang on, she acted like she knew me." I drift off. "Wellsy have you been gossiping about me?"

"Told her how much of an asshole you are to work with? Yes."

I roll my eyes before Adare speaks again.

"Okay so I think you should make a works cited page and I'll finish my pages."

I nod my head and get to work.

After twenty minutes or so, I look up and she's so concentrated. Typing fast and you can practically see her mind going a hundred miles an hour.

Whenever she's focused on something, she puts everything into it.

I can't help it any longer so I lean over and close her laptop before moving over to her.

"Wes.." She says slowly.

I slowly meet my lips to hers.
"You want me to stop?" I mumble as I continue.

She hesitates, but kisses me back.

"No but.." She drifts off. "We need to get back to work."

"We are working," I mumble as I move my hand over the side of her cheek and gentle run my fingers down her jawline.

"You know what I mean."

I inhale her in and continue kissing her.

I start to push us so that we're not sitting up completely and she's leans back on a pillow.

"We need to get back to work."
"Why though?" I drag on while moving my hand down to her side.

"Because Wes.." She says in between our lips connecting. "We have to..learn..." she drifts off.

"We are learning right now," I say slowly. "I'm trying to learn," I say lowly.

I feel her roll her eyes slightly and I don't know if it's because she's enjoying this or because she's annoyed.

Either way, she finally stops talking about school work, so I think I know the answer.

thanks for reading!

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