chapter thirty-seven

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

Me and Wes stayed in the bed the entire day.

It started raining right once we got inside and so we warmed up in bed and binged Halloween movies.

We just finished Hocus Pocus and now we're starting Hubie Halloween.

I feel Wes move slightly before saying, "I'm gonna grab a water," as he gets out of bed.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands, they're greasy from the popcorn," I say.

When I go to step out of the bathroom from washing my hands, I turn and almost bump into Wes on the way out.

Before I realize anything, he's got his lips on mine and his hand on my side.

He inhales and this is one of those really long singular kisses. As he deepens the kiss, he pulls me tighter towards him before finally breaking the kiss.

"I missed you," he says.
"I missed you too," I whisper back with a smile.

He smiles back and puts his lips back on mine.
We work our mouths against each other, filling the room with breathy sounds.

I reach up and put one of my hands in his hair and he moves one of his hands to the side of my neck as his other hand glides down from my jaw all the way to my hip.

When he squeezes slightly, I feel like entire body light up.

Even more so than it normally does.

Wes makes me feel so good and safe and comfortable and good.

He's also, like, crazy good at this whole thing.

We keep kissing and I can't ignore the spark in my stomach now.

I keep kissing him before finally breaking it, out of breath because we've had to of been making out for at least two minutes.

I rest my head against his, hearing us both being slightly breathless with dazed eyes.

I look up to his eyes.

"I want you," I whisper so quietly I'm not even sure if I said it.

"You've got me," he says, still slightly breathless.

I swallow before lifting my head so slightly. "I mean I want you want you, Wes."

This makes him open his dazed eyes wide.

My heart's beating out of my chest as he's searching my face, figuring out what to say.

"Are you sure?" He asks quietly and I just nod my head.

He tilts his head slightly and his hand on my waist moves slowly slightly.

"Wellsy I need you to say it," he whispers.

I gulp before looking up at his eyes and saying, "yes, Wes, I'm sure."

He exhales and his eyes twinkle up before he presses his lips back to mine.

We keep kissing as he slowly inches us over to my bed, his lips never leaving mine.

We get beside the bed and his hand moves lower onto the bottom of my waist, slipping a couple fingers under my shirt, my body aching for his touch.

"Are you sure?" He asks again.
"Yes I'm sure," I say back, almost in a laugh because he asked me again.

He slowly grabs the hem of the shirt and lifts it off of me.

When he uncovers me, I hear a quiet, sharp inhale coming from him before he gulps and lowers his head back down to me to press his lips against mine once again then guides us onto the bed slowly and so gently.

On the bed, he's on top of me before he pulls his head away slightly and looks at me.

"Listen Wellsy, we can stop at anytime okay?" He says with genuinely the most sincere eyes. "I'm not gonna be, like, mad or upset or anything. You've just gotta talk to me okay?"

I nod my head and he pulls his hoodie off, now shirtless, on top of me.

Scratch that, we're both shirtless.

He's built like a Greek God.
Lean and tan and muscles and he's leaning back over to kiss me.

His hand moves lower onto my waist and two fingers slip slightly into the hem of my yoga pants.

"Do you want me to slow down?" He mumbles into my mouth, not removing his lips from mine.

I shake my head and bring my hand to the back of his head, slightly gripping his hair into my fingers, keeping his mouth on mine.

As he moves his fingers very slowly lower into my pants, I gulp because I'm suddenly overly aware of everything that's happening and everything that's about to happen, but I don't stop kissing him.

I can feel myself tensing up ever so slightly that it's almost not there and I try to ignore it before Wes quickly pulls his head away from mine, looking at me in my eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" He says with concern plastered across his face.

I think Wes may know me better than I know myself.

I gulp, and move my eyes slightly away from his face.

"Look at me," he says quietly with his hand moved gently to the side of my head, prompting me to look back at him.

"Do you want me to stop?" He says quietly with genuinely so much care on his face.

I quickly widen my eyes back to him. "No no!" I say back quickly because there is actually nothing I want more. "I want this Wes," I pause slightly. "I'm just nervous is all," I say lowly.

"I'm nervous too," he pauses. "But it's just you and me, Wellsy. Okay? It's just us."

It's just us.

And he's so right.

And nothing else feels more right in the world.
Wes is genuinely the person I feel then safest, most comfortable with.

It's just us.
It's always been us.

"And we can stop at anytime. We can slow down, we can do whatever you want okay? This is all up to you, you make the calls."

I smile and nod because he's just so, so Wes.
He's the most thoughtful person I've ever met.

I'm the one who presses my lips to his first and Wes kisses me back.

He doesn't move his hands on my body at all, so I bring my hand down to his and bring them back over to my yoga pants and he obliges.

When I feel his hand on my body again, I light up and suddenly all my nerves on gone and now it's just anticipation. I want him.

"Slow down?" He asks me again, breathless as he pulled his mouth slightly away from mine to ask me that.

I shake my head and push my mouth back onto his. "Nerves are gone," I say and deepen our kiss and Wes moves his hand lower down.

thanks for reading!

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