chapter twenty-three

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Adare ‧₊˚.*

Wes sneaks out of my balcony door and meets me in the drive way.

After saying goodbye and hugging my dad, I snuck out another coffee some croissants for Wes.

Hopping in the passenger seat I exhale and hand him the croissants and put the coffee in the cupholder.

It's pouring.
It hasn't rained this hard a long time.

I'm really glad Wes is here because if not, there's no way I could have drove back to campus.

We turn on some music, but it's hard to hear because of the rain.

It's dark outside, super cloudy even though it's only midday.

We drive for about an hour before Wes, out of the blue says, "fuck" under his breath.

I look up at him, and he's looking behind the steering wheel.


"We're almost out of gas Wellsy."

Oh shit.
I forgot that I needed to fill up this morning.

In my defense, my routine was all messed up this morning because of last nights events.

I just widen my eyes and puff out my cheeks in an 'oh shit I really messed up' look.

"Where's the closest gas station?" He asks.

I google 'gas stations near me' and scrunch my face.

"20 miles.." I drift off.
"We've got ten."

Wes pulls off on the side of the road and turns the car off.

He reaches for his phone and googles something before dialing a number and putting the phone to his ear.

He's on the phone for about a minute, talking to roadside assistance, before he puts the phone off to the side of his ear and whispers something to me.

"What's the make and model of your car?"

I just give him a scrunched eyebrow look while he stares me down.

"Wellsy," he asks again.

"Dude I don't know," I say with a 'you expect me to know this?' look on my face.

He looks at me like I just spoke blasphemy.

"Yeah I'm sorry, just one second," he mumbles into the phone before looking back at me.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't know?" He whisper shouts.

"What I mean is that I don't fucking know Wes! It's a car!" I whisper shout right back.

He exhales while looking at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry can we call you right back?" He asks into the phone before promptly hanging it up.

"Wellsy what the fuck," he turns to me.

"Don't what the fuck me," I snap back. "It's a Toyota, isn't that good enough?"

He exhales and rubs his hands on his face. "Oh my fuck," he mumbles.

"Is the owners manual in the glove box?"
I give an unsure face because I mostly definitely took that out when I got the car.

He rolls his eyes and tosses his hands up. "Did you fucking taking it out?"

"Mmm.." I drift off.

He puts his head on the back of the seat, closes his eyes, and shakes his head.

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