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A girl with bright blonde hair, soft pale skin and kind blue eyes that suddenly became harsh as a dark building approached her eyesight. From inside the sleek black vehicle she resided in, Hecate Addams couldn't help but feel a wave of sorrow fill her soul.

"Oh, Lurch." She softly said, her voice sounding smoother than butter as she pressed her head against the cool glass of the car. All she received was a zombie-ish growl of acknowledgement. "Why do mother and father wish to send me away to a place i don't belong?" Hecate looked at their servant/frankenstein-monster named Lurch. He simply growled out, not answering the girl's question.

The fog seemed to rise a little as a large, dark building that could almost pass as a castle came even closer. Some metal gates came into view and Hecate shuddered.

"I wish Aunt Ophelia were here." She said, a frown developing as her fingers began to weave themselves with the hem of her white dress. All Hecate Addams received in return was a growl and groan from Lurch. "Why couldn't Wednesday come along? Why must i go alone?" With an exasperated sigh, Hecate leant her head against the back of the seat and waited patiently for the car to come to a stop. It was too late.

They had entered the school premises, and the weather had begun to rain.

"Thank you, Lurch." Hecate said with a small smile as she opened the door and elegantly stepped out of it, her white trainers coming into contact with the wet gravel of the school's drive-way. With a deep inhale, Hecate closed the door and moved to the trunk, where she grabbed two suitcases and lifted them out, placing them on the floor. She quirked a brow and chuckled. "I have magic....why am i doing this the hard way?" She clicked her middle finger and thumb, her magic coming to life and helping her carry the other two suitcases with her.

"Ahem." Looking up, Hecate almost jumped in her skin as a tall, poised woman with bleach-blonde ( pretty much white ) hair cleared her throat and stood, a small tight lipped smile on her smooth features. What stuck out was the rather bright red lipstick. "You must be Hecate Addams. Did i say that right?"

"Yes, ma'am." Hecate politely answered, glancing around wearily to see if there were other students or even teachers around. There wasn't.

"I am Principle Weems." The Principle introduced herself, holding out her hand to signify for Hecate to shake it, to which the girl did.

"You already know my name." Hecate shrugged, letting go of the woman's hand and rolling her shoulders. She felt a little on edge about this place, a little uncertain. There was some sort of aura to Nevermore Academy. And Hecate didn't know if it was a good one.

"Well, would you like a tour of the place? Or would you like to go to my office to discuss a few things?"

"You can discuss it on the tour." Hecate said quickly, wanting nothing more than to be away from Principle Weems. She seemed a little untrustworthy to the young Addams girl. How she stood so straight and tall, so poised and ready to defend any accusation that may be given to her.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now