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Now was one of the only times Hecate would will herself to wear entirely black clothing and hold a black umbrella. Her eyeshadow was even dark and her lipstick was a plum colour. She stood straight, a sad expression on her face as she leant against Xavier.

The mayor had died.

"God is our refuge, and our strength-" the woman vicar read out whilst a boy beside her held a black umbrella over hers and his own head. Behind the vicar was a portrait of Mayor Walker, not smiling nor frowning.

Hecate took a split second to glance at Wednesday, wondering on whether she was feeling any sort of emotion like sadness or even slight grief. But alas, she knew Wednesday loved funerals. Not for the right reason, although there was no right reason to love a funeral.

The blonde then switched her gaze to the only two people that sat near the casket that was decorated with red, white and blue flowers; Lucas Walker and his mother, both of whom were holding a bunch of white lilies whilst they wept silently.

Whilst the rain continued to pour onto them with an unmerciful intent, Hecate let her eyes wonder to the casket. She didn't believe the mayor deserved such a fate as this one. With a sad sigh, she felt a pair of warm lips - the only warm thing she could feel against the cold nip in the air - press against her head.

Hecate looked up to Xavier, who looked down at her and she leant into his embrace even more so. After all the continuous bad things that have happened, he was the only continuous good thing she had going for her, and she'd do anything to keep it that way. She'd wrestle with Death, she'd make a deal with Death and in the end when her time is up, she'd greet Death with open arms knowing she would've saved the love of her life.

Dramatic, huh?

It wasn't long before everyone began to leave, Hecate and Xavier following the crowd. When Hecate glanced back to try and see whether or not Wednesday was following, she caught a glimpse of black running into the trees and no Wednesday was around. Sighing and shaking her head, Hecate walked forwards once more.

She couldn't get into too many more adventures with Wednesday otherwise she'd probably get thrown out of Nevermore Academy. So, she simply walked besides Xavier with said boy keeping his arm wrapped around the blonde safely.

Hecate glanced at Enid, who was full of emotions whilst Ajax did the same thing with her, held her safely and securely into his embrace to ensure that the blonde werewolf felt loved, warm and safe.

It was cute.

"I wonder how difficult it would be for them to do the deed." Hecate suddenly said quietly, leaning her head closer to Xavier - if possible - to make sure he heard her. However, she knew her words were heard from the slight choking sound.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now