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Later actually came sooner than Hecate would've thought. She would have thought she'd be waiting in class, her leg bouncing anxiously as the time just dragged on and on where each second felt like an hour.

But it seemed like in a blink of an eye, she was staring at herself in the mirror, wondering if her outfit and slight make up looked okay. Why did she care? She realised she was heading head over heels for Xavier.

Hecate didn't know what love was. She had the platonic, sisterly love - if you could call it that - that Wednesday gave her and she had the tough-love of her parents growing up but she had never been loved by someone else. She had never loved someone else. But there was something about Xavier Thorpe that made her heart beat quickly and had her stomach swirling with butterflies. The hotness in her cheeks when he smiles and calls her simple names like 'sweetheart' was driving her mad.

How could she stay just being his friend?

"You look....revolting." Wednesday said and Hecate rolled her eyes.

"That must be a compliment to me but an insult to you?" The golden haired girl asked as she looked back in the mirror. She wore white platform converse shoes, a short pink and white plaid dress with a peach pink cardigan that ended at her mid torso. Her hair, which was slightly curled, had a small plait to tie the front parts away from her face.

"You look fabulous, Hattie." Enid said with a beaming smile as she placed her hands and head on the girl's shoulder. "Why're you dressed up, though?"

"Xavier asked if i'd like to hang out with him-"

"Alright, well, we need the deets, honey." Enid forced Hecate to sit on the the girl's bed before she stared at her with an intimidating gaze. Hecate looked to Wednesday for some help, but the girl simply quirked a brow slightly and turned, walking towards her desk. "What is going on between you and that boy?"

"I-" Hecate glanced at Enid and she couldn't help but smile widely and bury her head into the slightly too big sleeves of her cardigan. "I think i..."

"Do you like him?"

"It's more than that, En." Hecate sighed, falling back onto her bed and staring at her ceiling. Pictures of her and Xavier and all the memories they had shared floated around in her mind and she couldn't help but smile in contentment. "I...i think i love him. Dearly."

"OH MY GOD!" Enid screached with excitment as she jumped up and down on the spot. "I knew it! I knew it! AHH! YOu better go take your cute ass outside to go meet your man, girl!" With a laugh, Hecate stood and headed towards her desk, reaching out to take her flute case with her. She smiled and breathed out a laugh as she clutched the handle of the case in her hand and stood straight.

"I'll see you later." Hecate quickly left the dorm, although she kept a calm facade on as she walked throughout the halls and towards the entrance to the school. "Okay, okay, Hecate, you can do this. Be cool. No need to panic." She mumbled to herself as she let her gaze gravitate towards the floor. "You've realised and said you loved him...to your friend and sister, but-oh who am i kidding?" She groaned, hanging her head backwards. "It's so obvious!"

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now