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Once again it was time for Hecate to endure Ms Thornhill's slight glares in the bionic science lessons. However, this time, she knew her sister would be joining them.

"I see you finally made a friend." Bianca spoke and Hecate looked up from her seat besides Xavier to see who the self-appointed Queen Bee was talking to. When her eyes travelled the room, Hecate saw her sister...talking to a plant pot. Or was Thing behind the plant pot? "Even if it is a plant."

"Hey, 'least a plant can't be a fake little bit-"

"Catie!" Xavier hissed slightly as he placed his hand against Hecate's mouth. He knew what Hecate could do to Bianca if the siren wasn't careful and decided to test the golden haired girl's patience, but he also knew Bianca was sly.

"I go for quality over quantity." Wednesday retorted to Bianca, sending a thankful look to her sister for her attempt at sticking up for her. With a slight roll of her eyes she licked Xavier's hand, making him take it away from her mouth.

"Seriously?" Xavier asked and Hecate leant closer to him with a smirk.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" When Hecate studied Xavier's facial expression - better than what she had done the previous time she had called him that - she realised she had an affect on him.

And he knew it too.

"Don't." He said quietly, and a smile brightened her face as she knew the boy definitely liked her and the kiss the other day wasn't just to shut her up. The boy saw that excuse as an opportunity, and it filled the girl with a euphoric feeling to know. Looking behind her, Hecate watched as Wednesday sat next to the bee boy, Eugene she believed he was called. When the pair exchanged greetings, Hecate was slightly surprised.

Had they met before?

"I doubt Hecate is impressed by your tricks, Mr Thorpe." Ms Thornhill said and when Hecate looked at the table in confusion, she quickly gasped and felt her body stiffen. In front of her was a rather large - for its species, anyways - spider. She knew it wasn't real, but she had an immense fear of the little creatures.

"I know you're impressed." Xavier said quietly so that no one heard but Hecate could only shake her head.

"I don't....i don't like spiders." She meekly said, hating the thing that was crawling closer and closer to her. Xavier's mouth opened slightly before he squat the art he had made and closed his sketch book. "I-I'm sorry." Leaning away from Xavier with slight shame filling her, Hecate rested her elbow against the table and then her head against her fist.

"Wednesday," Ms Thornhill turned to the girl with the black uniform. "We're thrilled to have you join us-" the redheaded teacher that always wore red boots walked out to the front of her desk. "-on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Now...who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Ms Thornhill pointed to a white flower that looked like it was dying. Upon seeing Bianca raise her hand, Ms Thornhill nodded at her, however, Wednesday answered.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now