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Whilst Wednesday and Fester rushed off somewhere, Hecate was left by her lonesome self. She sighed and decided to walk to the school's normal library, where it was deserted bar one person.

With a soft sigh, Hecate walked to a table and sat down, reaching into her bag for her packet of biscuits Enid had picked up on her trip with the girls into Jericho. It was a thank you gift for helping to pack her bag that night when she left the dormitory.

"What's an Addams doing in the library?" Raising her head from her biscuits - of which she was struggling to open - the one person in the library was now in front of her.

"Hi, Bianca." Hecate sadly greeting, huffing a little as she allowed her biscuit packed to drop from her hand in defeat. The biscuits got to live another day, she supposed.

"So...you're the new Queen Bee." Bianca lowered herself onto the chair opposite to Hecate slowly. She wanted to make sure the girl knew that she wasn't there to hurt her. She just wanted to talk.

"No, i couldn't replace you, Bianca." The siren chuckled vaguely at Hecate's words, not hearing the truth in them.

"Oh, but you so desperately wanted to." Was what the Barclay girl said instead and Hecate frowned slightly.

"I didn't...but you didn't like me nor Wednesday from the start." Hecate said with a sad smile, showing she wasn't hurt by that. She knew not everyone wanted to be her friend, and she was okay with that.

"If you didn't want to replace me, why get with Xavier?" Bianca didn't mean for the question to be snide. She asked it with an innocent tone, genuinely curious. In her eyes, Hecate was just like Wednesday. Use any means necessary so long as they get what they want. Even if that means using people.

"Because i love him." Hecate said, a small dreamy smile widening onto her face as an image of Xavier flashed in her mind. Scenerios of future dates, future life also flew by behind her skull and in her mind, and she was loving it. The possibilities of the life they could have!

"And he knows he can trust that." Bianca said with a sad tone, watching how happy Hecate's expression became at the mere mention of the tall boy. "You guys are good for each other."

"I know." Hecate shrugged, wiggling her fingers a little and letting rose gold mist weave itself throughout them. She smiled faintly at the sight of her magic.

"I wish i was your friend, Hecate." Bianca admitted and Hecate snapped out of her happy moment, frowning at the siren in front of her.

"Why?" Suspicion laced her features and tone and Bianca knew the Addams girl had every right to be wary of her.

"Because Enid, Xavier and Ajax are always telling me i was stupid for immediately disliking you." Bianca chuckled wryly, mocking her old self - internally - for being stupid. "I was a fool, i will admit, but i'm trying to be better."

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now