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The weekend had rolled around quickly, and Hecate was unsure on what to do with herself. She hasn't spoken to Enid since earlier in the week and refused to look at the girl much, her heart stinging from the knowing thought that the werewolf had gossiped about her and not told her.

Then there was Xavier.

Oh, what was she to do about Xavier? She liked him, of course she did. How could she not? He was funny, sweet, caring and sometimes had just the right amount of sass to make him even more attractive to her. But did he feel the same?

"Tey-Tey." Wednesday blandly said as she stood beside the golden haired girl. The two were now in the courtyard, no one else being present. When Wednesday walked up on her younger sister, Hecate had been staring at a painting on the wall and Wednesday remembered that the girl had helped Xavier to paint it.

"Yeah?" She said softly but quietly, afraid to talk louder.

"Are you going with Xavier to the Harvest festival?"

"Oh, um, i'm not sure-"

"Great." Wednesday then turned so that her whole attention was onto the painting of a raven that was on the wall. "We're making our escape."


"I don't want to do this, Nessy." Hecate whine, the smell of Xavier filling her nose as she practically burried her head into the neck of the sweater she had taken from him.

"It'll be fine, Hattie." Enid tried to sound positive to try and ease her friend to talk to her again, but she received a glare from both sister's. "Look, can i quickly say that i am so sorry i didn't ask nor tell you that i wrote about you and Wednesday in my vlog?"

"Too late." Hecate mumbled, crossing her arms over her stomach and anxiously looking around. Although she feared it would be awkward between the two friends, Hecate was desperate to find Xavier.

He was her safe place.

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid then said, her gaze was staring at a boy that seemed familiar to Hecate.

"Isn't that the guy from the Weathervane?" She asked nobody in particular, but as she squinted her eyes and tried to look closer, she realised he really was familiar.

"I trust that i can handle myself." A shred of hope sparked up inside Hecate at the fact Wednesday didn't incorporate her into that sentence, which gave her slight hope she wouldn't be leaving.

"Well," Enid turned to face the dark haired Addams girl with a small smile. "Good luck and safe travels." The girl in pink went to hug Wednesday, who took a slight step back. "Still not a hugger. Got it."

"Bye, Wednesday." Hecate said with a quiet but audible voice. It was almost drowned out by the chatter of Nevermore students and normie's and the sounds of the games being used.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now