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An old, wooden building stared down at the Nevermore kids as they all waited, some with grimaces on their faces and some without. Hecate was stood, playing with strands of her golden hair as she waited slightly impatiently for Mistress Arlene to begin speaking once more as said woman stood in front of them all once again with a wooden tray in hand. 

"Ye Olde Fudgery?" Eugene, someone Hecate now knew to be one of Wednesday's few friends at the academy, exclaimed with a slight voice crack. 

"More like ye olde diabetes in a box." Wednesday snapped and Hecate giggled, sending the girl a wide smile. 

"Volunteers, prick up thine ears." The annoying, slightly screeching voice off Mistress Arlene wiped the smile off of Hecate's face. "Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community. And samples equal sales, so..." the redheaded woman took a step forwards, her blue eyes piercing into the teens that stood before her. 

"She has a very unsettling stare. Kind of like you." Hecate hummed, leaning her head closer to Wednesday's so that her sister could hear her quiet voice. She received a rather dangerous glare, which made Hecate snicker a little. 

"Grab a uniform and a box and make our forefathers proud." 

"Your forefathers." Hecate mumbled, rolling her eyes. She missed the irritated look Mistress Arlene gave to her, but she didn't mind so much. The woman irritated the golden-haired girl just as much as she did the woman. 

"Are these for muzzling tourists?" Wednesday asked as she held a white bonnet at a distance with a slight grimace. 


"Enjoy it." Hecate said in a polite voice as she kindly smiled at all the tourists that came to her, trying the fudge she had on her tray. 

"Gosh, this is delicious!" A tourist complimented and Hecate beamed. 

"Why thank you, there's more inside if you wish to delve into your desire for more of our smooth treats." 

"You really sound like a salesman, you know." Yoko commented as the slight buzz of civilians stopped for a moment. The vampire girl never had anything against the Addams witch, she rather enjoys the aura the girl seems to emit. It's calming. 

"It's all about having a polite voice and kind smile, Yoko." Hecate answered before she took a glance at her tray. "Oh, would you look at that...my tray is empty." Hecate sighed and began to make her way back towards the Ye Olde Fudgery shop, where she saw a bustle of tourists rush out before she could enter. 

Glancing into the shop - dismissing the redheaded woman that was there beside her doing the same thing - Hecate sighed. Of course, Wednesday had scared them off. 

"Wednesday?" Hecate called, placing her empty tray onto the counter for someone else to deal with as she rushed to follow after the dark-haired girl. 

"We need to get into that meeting house." Wednesday whispered, scooping up her bag before rushing to leave the fudge shop. Hecate could only simply follow, wondering on what Wednesday hope to find in the meeting house. 

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now