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The coffee shop enveloped Hecate in warmth and cosiness as the smell of freshly made coffee and baked goods filled her senses. She took in a deep breath and smiled, releasing the breath softly.

"Smells nice, huh?" Xavier questioned and Hecate beamed at him, nodding quickly as she rolled on the balls of her feet. "Since when was Hecate Addams speechless?"

"Since she was looking at the menu, dipshit." The girl quickly retorted before she gently smacked his chest. Before Hecate could even go back to looking at the menu her gaze was shifted to the decor. Soft lighting and wooden walls which gave it a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The slight chatter of normies made Hecate feel a hint of normality and simplicity.

"What would you like?" Xavier asked, giving a slight chuckle as he watched the short girl become amused with the decor of the coffee shop.

"Coffee! Ooh, with two sugars and a spoonful of cinnamon and a bit of whipped cream and some chocolate sprinkles!" Hecate replied eagerly, jumping up and down in her spot like a child. She had never been to a coffee shop before, and she couldn't help but allow the excitement to flow off of her in waves.

"Calm it down a bit, Catie." Xavier whispered as he gently wrapped his arm around the girl's waist so that he could pull her closer and talk quietly. "The normies would think you're weirder than normal."

"They know me? But i don't have social media." Hecate asked with a frown and Xavier chuckled once more before walking up to the counter. Behind the counter was a tall boy with dusty brown hair, blue eyes and a few moles littering around his jaw and cheeks stood and watched them.

"Nevermind, Catie." Xavier softly said to her before he sent an obviously fake smile to the boy behind the counter. Hecate watched the interaction and came to the conclusion that both boys knew each other. But how? "One flat white with a spoonful of cinnamon stirred in with some whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top and a latte please." Hecate realised that Xavier was practically gritting his teeth and she frowned, wishing he just asked her to speak instead.

"That'll be five dollars and fourty three cents." The boy said and before Xavier could even think about getting his wallet or whatever he used to pay for things, Hecate was fishing into the jacket Xavier had given to her on the walk over to the coffee shop - because she got out of the shuttle bus and shivered due to the cold weather - and grabbed her own purse. She grabbed the money the boy asked for and quickly handed it to him.

"Thank you, sir." She said politely as he gave her a receit of their order. The two teens then moved over to a table in the corner and silence enveloped them for a moment. "Have you tried finding the cat killer?" Hecate nervously watched as Xavier's shoulders became less tense but his facial expression became saddened.

"There is no trail to follow, Hecate. I don't know who did it." He told her sadly but the girl simply smiled softly at him before reaching her hand out to Xavier. He glanced at her small hand and smiled a little as he grabbed it. His hand was massive compared to hers, but he didn't mind.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now