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"The parents weekend is coming up." Xavier mentions as he gently entangled his fingers into Hecate's hair. This time, they were in her dorm. He had snuck through the window, not having to worry about any housemaster this time.

He had been there for around three hours. They had watched a film, which was around two hours long before settling down and began reading books to each other. Hecate would reach a chapter from her book and then Xavier would carry it on and vice versa. A nice way to spend a chill day.

"Oh, great." Hecate mumbled before she turned her body over and curled into  Xavier's side, the warmth igniting her soul. "I don't think i want to witness what a tragic weekend this will be."

"At least your parents will show." Xavier softly mumbled, a little saddened about how much Hecate seemed to not want her parents at the Academy for the Weekend. He'd do anything to get his father to come to at least one.

"We should head to the courtyard. Weems wants to make a speech." Hecate whispered, standing to her feet and heading towards the door. "I'll see you there, Xavier."


"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children." Weems began as she stared out at the crowd, students stood in front of their parents in their respective groups of their species stared back. "To learn and to grow," but Hecate was stood with Wednesday and Enid, the latter's hair no longer pink. It had been a week or so since the dance. "No matter who or what they are. I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students."

"And yet you sit on your platinum ass doing nothing." Hecate whispered, slightly disappointed in Principle Weems to the extent of she expected the woman to do more that just send her condolensces and prayers for Eugene to get better.

"But i'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery." Weems then smiled at the crowd. "So let's focus on the positive, and make this Parents' Weekend our very best yet."

"On the mend?" Wednesday scoffed, upset her friend was in the hospital. "Try in a coma."

"Have you been to see him?" Enid asked, keeping her tone light as to not upset the dark haired Addams girl further. But she received a sharp look. "You're his friend."

"I'm the reason he's in the hospital."

"You're not. You told him not to go and he did it anyway." Hecate shrugged, lacking to have too much empathy for the boy. She had a point, it was his fault, but she knew the overthinking thoughts and route too well to know that Wednesday would still blame herself.

"The monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week." Enid then pointed out, which made Hecate hum. "Maybe you finally scared it off."

"Doing wh-" Enid sent her a glare before Hecate could finish her question.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now