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"Okay, Enid, the plan is that i will stay with Wednesday who is undoubtedly going to do something sketchy whilst you and the others go to Crackstone crypt, okay? Set everything up and then come back!" Hecate said with a giggle as she walked down the hallways with Enid, who wanted a quick run through of the plans that the golden-haired girl had made.

"What about the cake?"

"Oo! Could you hold it? I'm afraid if i or anyone else held it, it would get knocked out of our hands with a little bit of violence to it. I don't want that. You know, i tried so hard with that cake..." she couldn't help but trail off as she walked towards her drawers, wondering on whether to change out of her mustard yellow clothes or not.

"Okay, okay!" Enid agreed excitedly, the feelings of throwing - or helping to throw - a birthday party swelled inside of her sould before she frowned a little and cocked her head like a puppy. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Hecate asked, not looking back at the blonde werewolf, still trying to debate on whether to use her knee-length ruby red dress for the party or not. She weighed out the pros and cons in her mind, coming to the conclusion if she were to wear the red dress, she'd become too cold, so she wouldn't change. Besides, Wednesday's smart enough to get suspiscious of her if she were to suddenly change outfits for no reason.

Then again, Wednesday hasn't seen her-

"I mean, you and Wednesday are twins, right? Why aren't you throwing the party for yourself, too?"

"Because i've already made my birthday wish, Enid." Hecate quickly responded as she swiftly turned on her heels, clasped her hands and smiled. Her blue eyes connected with Enid's, who still looked confused. "I want to throw a party for my sister, is that so much to ask?"

"Your wish is to...make your sister miserable?" Enid hesitantly questioned, and Hecate grinned.

"Yeah, but she loves that sort of thing so...besides," Hecate said after shrugging, "i think it'll be nice for her to celebrate it with friends."

"Apart from me and you...does she really have any?"

"Well, no, but she can make them! Then we can all be in the same friend group!" Enid nodded along to what her friend was saying, baffled about the girl's enthusiasm and positive attitude towards this event she's making. "Shit, she's-go, go, go!" Hecate rushed Enid out of the room, realising the time. Enid quickly left and Hecate looked around, frightened that her excited mood would give away her plans.  "Crap!" She hissed before practically diving for her bed and grabbing a book, beginning to read the words that were printed onto the pages with eagerness, waiting for Wednesday to walk through the door to the room.

A minute later, Wednesday graced the atmosphere with her presence, a slight scowl on her face as she was deep in thought.

"You alright?" Hecate called out, to which made Wednesday gasp softly and look to her, not expecting to see the girl in the room.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now