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Standing there in her white uniform that had some faint blue and red stains from her prank with Enid on Xavier, Hecate felt her chest tighten. She knew her life at Nevermore Academy was about to change and she was trying to prepare herself as much as she could.

Whilst there was a part of her that screamed to just run away and not see her twin for the first time in two weeks - which Hecate had felt so free in them. She hadn't felt crowded by the dark and cold ways of her family - but then there was the other part.

Her caring part.

The part of where that yearned to feel the surprisingly warm embrace of her family, the people that raised and fed her. Taught her to be independent but also allowed her to feel things that weren't the nauseating love her parents had towards each other.

As the rain softly hit the girl's shoulders, Hecate heard the familiar sound of the family car which was being driven by Lurch. Soon enough, the car came to a stop and her family all climbed out of it. Her little brother, Pugsley, was the first to run towards her and hug her tightly.

"I missed you too, Ley." Hecate chuckled, actually missing the smaller boy dearly. Out of everyone in that dark family, Pugsley was the one that had similiar emotions to her. "Mother, Father." Hecate then curtly called out as the two adults climbed out of the vehicle.

"My little sunflower." Her mother cooed as she came up to the blonde and gingerly touched her face before taking a step back. Hecate couldn't remember the last time she and their mother hugged.


"Look at the freaks." Bianca spat, frowning from a window as she stared at the Addams family all gathering together. "Just what we need. Another one." The siren girl turned to the boy she was speaking to and gave him a blank stare.

"They'll be gone soon, Bianca." He said as he gave the girl a sinister smirk before turning and staring coldly at the Addams twins.


"Principle Weems has asked for me to escourt you to her office. Follow me." Hecate spoke formerly, much like they did, and turned of her heel and began walking away. As she walked, her flat shoes making soft thuds in the rhythm of her steps, Pugsley came up to her and grabbed her hand tightly.

"When will i next see you?"

"After today?" Hecate asked softly as her gaze shifted to glance at the smaller and slightly chubby boy.

"Yeah." He replied, and Hecate couldn't help but smile sadly.

"I don't know."


"Wednesday is certainly a unique name." Weems said as her blue eyes stared at the dark haired, pigtail girl in the middle. The platinum blonde glanced at Hecate with uncertainty, knowing that Wednesday would be different to Hecate. "I'm guessing it was the day you were born?"

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now