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"Wednesday, please, stop staring at the board. You look crazy." Hecate mumbled to her sister, scuffing her feet. She was glad that she could be in her uniform once more and not near Mistress Arlene and her snobbish attitude, but Hecate didn't exactly want to be stuck in the Weathervane looking like an escourt for an insane person.

"Sweetheart, i thought you were meant to be at Pilgrim World." Xavier said as he picked up a cup from a table. He looked towards Hecate, who looked as though he had saved her life.

"Mi amor, if you even mention that place i might start swinging." She said before chuckling and walking towards him. Immediately picking up on her deflated mood, Xavier placed the cups down and widened his arms, allowing the golden-haired girl to embrace him. Once he felt the warmth of her body against his, he held her tightly, slightly swaying from side-to-side.

He vowed to himself to be the best boyfriend he could be to Hecate Addams.

"Me and my sister deserted it while our sanity was still intact." Wednesday told Xavier after realising that Hecate didn't respond to him. She looked at the couple and rolled her eyes, not seeing the point in the prolonged hug they were sharing.

"Oh, yeah?" Xavier asked before he glanced down at the girl in his arms. When she looked up at him she beamed. "You guys want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment."

"Can i have mine extra warm or something? It's chilly." Hecate pouted, looking at Xavier with "puppy" eyes to try and get him to cave in and do her favourite coffee beverage extra hot.

"Two sugars, a spoonful of cinnamon and a bit of whipped cream?" He asked as he looked at her with a loving smile, proud he had remembered how the girl like her coffee. In truth, it was the only way Xavier would drink his coffee now after tasting a bit of her's the last time the two lovebirds had been in this shop.

"Yes, please, baby!" After Hecate had answered excitedly she stared at him blankly. "I didn't mean to-yeah, i should probably be quiet." She laughed nervously, slowly detatching herself from Xavier in slight embarrassment.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed." Xavier teased as he ruffled Hecate's hair. "It was cute." She huffed and then gasped as a thought came to her.

"Can i have a straw?"

"Certainly." Xavier said before he looked at Wednesday. "Do you want a coffee, too?"

"We're actually here to see Tyler."

"We are?" Hecate asked with a frown, not actually knowing what they were doing in the Weathervane. "Wait...who's Tyler?"

"I told you he was bad news." Xavier said with a frown, although he was happy to know his girlfriend wasn't besties with a boy who hurt him in the past.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now