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Two days had passed by and Hecate had managed to fit in quite well so far...besides her white uniform and often only being seen with Xavier and Enid. However, Bianca had reached out a little and tried to hang out with her, but Hecate still didn't feel too comfortable with Bianca after finding out that she was a siren.

"Isn't it a form of discrimination?" She asked Enid whilst the two wondered through the halls, heading towards their dorm.

"What is?"

"You know....me denying to hang out with Bianca because she's a siren?" Hecate couldn't help but overthink that she had made an enemy in the Academy already, and she didn't want that. She just wanted to get through this period in her life successfully and without ending up dead.

"Oh, no, Hecate, it's fine." Enid shrugged, glancing to her friend slightly before focusing on where her feet were going. "Besides, if she decides to be mean to you for it..." as the blonde werewolf trailed off, she raised her hand and within the blink of an eye, multi-coloured, sharp claws extended from her fingernails.

"Cool." Hecate said with a grin, and Enid beamed at her before her smile turned sad.

"My mother is concerned i won't..."wolf out" and i am, too." The girl admitted but Hecate licked her bottom lip with a frown. How was she to console Enid? But then a thought came to her mind and she decided her advise couldn't be the worst, right? So, she opened her mouth to speak and said;

"I won't make any false promises and say you definitely will-"

"Are you saying i won't?"

"No! No, Enid, i'm saying there's not a definite, but as your friend i'm telling you if you do wolf out it will be on your own timeline and no one elses." Hecate quickly stopped walking and stood in front of Enid and placed her hands on the Sinclair girl's shoulders. "It's a thing in life you can't force. It has to take place on is own."

"Like you and Xavier." Enid teased with a chuckle and Hecate rolled her eyes and retracted her hands from her shoulders.

"No, Enid, not like me and Xavier. Me and Xavier won't ever be a thing." Hecate turned and began walking away and towards Ophelia Hall. Her mood was turned a little sour but she wasn't sure why. Hecate Addams didn't have little crushes, she was taught not to, but when she looked at Xavier and thought about how nice he was to her - even though he's only known her for four days - she couldn't help but smile softly.

Xavier Thorpe managed to always grab her attention, and if he was planning on playing her in the end, she couldn't guarantee his safety when her sister would find out.

"Um, Hattie?" Enid said with a scared tone, a little on edge about something. When Hecate looked up and at her blonde werewolf friend, she saw how much paler the girl seemed to be and frowned.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now