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Standing outside of a store, Enid rolled on the balls of her feet whilst she awaited for Hecate's and Wednesday's approval. It was a dress shop, although there were a lot of pinks in the window and on the structural wooden posts that helped hold the building together.

"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?" Wednesday asked, absolutely disgusted at the sight of the shop in front of the girls.

"Our first roomie shopping spree!"

"Oh my god, we haven't had one yet!" Hecate said with shock, actually forgetting she and Enid hadn't done simple roomie things together. Not all of them, at least. She pouted at the disappointment she felt in herself. However, as the Hawte Kewture shop stared at her, she couldn't help but bite her lip in excitement.

"The dance committe's suggesting all white to match the theme," Enid begun, "but that's not gonna fly with us."

"I have more pressing business-" Wednesday said sharply, receiving two disappointed looks by two seperate people. "-than to worry about a dress for a dance i don't want to attend."

"Tough shit, sissy, you're going to the dance." Hecate firmly said, still not fully agreeing with how not only did Wednesday decide to go invading Xavier's privacy, but also wanting to use her as a pawn in her game.

"But i thought we were bonding?" Enid asked in an adorably sweet tone that made Hecate want to pet her like a puppy. Enid just had a lovable aura around her.

"I feel i'll only slow you down." Wednesday said, not liking to offend the girl in front of her, either. She sounded too precious. "You're a gazelle. I'm a wounded fawn."

"What am i?" Hecate whispered mainly to herself, but Wednesday looked at her and softly smiled. "You're a dove of the purest white, the softest feather and the gentle sounds of its melody." Wednesday then turned back to the blonde werewolf. "Cut me loose and go run with the pack. Both of you."

"Are you sure?" Enid asked as she looked at the door to the shop before looking back to her friend who sent her a nod.

"Tey-Tey." Wednesday called just before Hecate went into the shop. "Find me when you're done."

"How in the hell-"

"How you used to when we were little miscreant children." With a sigh, Hecate nodded and turned away from Wednesday, smiling once more as she excitedly walked into the shop. She was absolutely amazed at the sheer amount of dresses of all coloures and styles were inside.

"Any stick out to you?"

"No, but look at them all!" Hecate said in awe before a dress did stand out to her. A long, blue one with a slight hint of shimering green stood out. It had a v-neck to it and the sleeves were baggy and made of a thin, see through lace.

In The Name of Love / Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now